Chapter 1406 Spicy taste

After the cloud climbed up the hole, it turned out to be a cemetery.

One by one, the graves can't be seen at a glance.

Even if the cloud is so daring that it is too big to have the goods, I feel that there is some cool wind behind it.

But since they are all coming up, why can't they go on, let's go and see.

There are no monuments on these tombs, so it is impossible to judge who is the grave.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but spit. What's special, the spirit of this misty valley is a metamorphosis. She even shut her down the cemetery, and maybe it also lives nearby. This taste is really heavy enough.

The beginning of the cloud quickly discovered the embarrassment. These graves are constantly foggy, is this the source of the fog in the misty valley?

How can there be fog in the grave? It’s weird!

However, since these are the source of the valley fog, it also means that she can reach the valley as long as she goes down. In this way, if the next misty valley is in the world, she can be bounced out, which is a harvest.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was a little hungry, so I didn’t care whether it was a cemetery or not. I took out a buns and started eating. I ate and ate, and this was a move.

She thought of the process of steaming the buns. These graves and buns are also inferior. Then the roots of the mist are the source of the fog. The roots of the mist are naturally and the spirits can't be separated. That is to say, the spirit is below the grave!

A good spirit, no one will open this tomb, hehe, unfortunately, you met me!

After a few mouthfuls of the cloud, I ate the buns, and then I picked a grave and worshipped it. "I am sorry, I am also living, disturbing, please forgive me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I got a few words, and then took out the pickaxe and excavated!

The following spirits are simply forced!


What is this awkward metamorphosis!

It is enough to be abnormal from the big tomb below!

Why is she still digging the grave?

Could she guess that it is hidden under this cemetery? No way? How could she guess it?

At the beginning of the cloud, he digs with a pickaxe, and then he finds a hole in which the continuous fog rises, as she expected.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said coldly to the hole: "I know that you are hiding under this, you can either get me in, or you will come out, otherwise I will put some bad things in this hole." For example, like chili noodles, or pouring some rapeseed oil!"

The following singer sat down on the ground, and finished, and sure enough, this metamorphosis has found its hiding place, what should I do? It’s a barbarian who fights, it just doesn’t bother it! Ok, it can't beat her, what can I do?

"I will count three numbers. If you still don't act, I will pour the chili noodles and the pepper noodles. By then, the fog that you go out here will become a spicy taste, and it must be very popular with the monsters. They must be very grateful to you."

The spirit is almost faint!

You are almost nonsense!

I haven't heard of any spicy taste in the fog!

Not cooking!

When I saw the cloud, I finally took out a large sack, and I had to get it in the first place.

At the beginning of the cloud, I only felt that the white light flashed. When I blinked, I found out that it was in a luxurious place. Well, in the tomb, I have to say that the spirit of this misty valley is true to the grave!

(End of this chapter)

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