Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1423: Tianyuan College is just like this

Chapter 1423 Tianyuan College is just like this

Because of the fear of cheating between players, the players' rankings are crossed, that is to say, a player from Nether Academy is next to a player at Tianyuan College.

At the forefront is a student at the Nether Academy. The referee signals him to open the lid of the alchemy furnace and then examine it.

After the referee examined it, the host announced the result aloud: "Youth College, Liu Qian, Cheng Dan rate of 80%, Shangpin Dan medicine four, Zhongpin Dan medicine two, the next product Dan medicine two, thirty points."

Everyone listened to Liu Qian’s performance response is not too enthusiastic, this achievement is basically normal, it is impossible to rank first.

The referee began to look at the next medicinal medicine of Tianyuan College. Soon, the host announced the result aloud: "Tianyuan College, Zheng Lizhi, Chengdan rate of 80%, Shangpin medicinal three, Zhongpin medicinal three, the next medicinal medicine Two, twenty-eight points."


Soon the results of the first seven people were announced, and the points were almost the same. Everyone knew that the first place should be produced among the next two people. As for the beginning of the cloud, everyone did not count her.

The next two people, one is the Bailiyan of Tianyuan College, the other is the Feng Ao of the Nether Academy. The Fengjia is located in the Netherland and is also known as Alchemy. Therefore, Feng Ao is confident in his alchemy, not to mention his own. He also completed the refining process than Bai Liyan, even if the two people had the same score, he also won.

Bai Liyan felt that she played well today, but when she saw the confident face on Feng’s face, she felt that she had no bottom.

The referee signaled that Bailiyan opened the lid of the alchemy furnace. After Bailiyan opened the lid, the referees saw the situation inside and could not help but exclaim.

Everyone below the test bench knows that Bailiyan’s performance must be quite good, otherwise the referee will not be so surprised. Sure enough, the host is excited to announce: “Tianyuan College, Bailiyan, Chengdan rate is 10%, all are top grades. Dan medicine, fifty points."

Everyone suddenly fry!

"God! Ten percent of the adult rate is not terrible, the terrible thing is that it is a top-grade drug! This is too bad!"

"Berry Yan is the granddaughter of Baili Yaowang. It is not surprising that there is such an alchemy talent."

"This round of Tianyuan Academy should be able to pull back a city!"


The people on the Netherland snorted and said: "You are too happy to be too early, don't forget, the results of Feng Ao have not been announced yet. If his score is the same as Bai Liyan, the first is his, because he It takes less time than a hundred miles."

"That is, if the results have not been announced yet, it will start to smash, it is really shameless!"

"After a while, the results of the arrogance came out, see how you swear!"


At this point, the referee had already reached the front of the Pride's workbench and signaled him to open the lid of the alchemy furnace.

Feng Ao confidently opened the lid of the alchemy furnace. The referees saw the situation inside and could not help but exclaim. The inside is actually ten top-grade drugs.

Bai Liyan saw the performance of the referee, my heart is a sinking, Feng Ao will not be ten top-grade drugs, right? Her forehead began to have fine sweat beads oozing out, and the hands inside the sleeves were tightly held together, feeling that the whole heart mentioned the eyes of the scorpion.

At this point, the host announced aloud: "Ying Ming College, Feng Ao, Cheng Dan rate of 10%, all for the top grade drug, fifty points."

The people on the Netherland began to cheer, and we won!

Three to zero!

It is so cool!

Tianyuan College is just like this!

(End of this chapter)

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