Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1425: Yunchu is the first place

Chapter 1425, Yunchu is the first place

Everyone below the test bench is curious, what is wrong with this? How are these referees stupid? What is the situation in the beginning of the cloud?

The host was also curious, and looked at the neck with his neck. I saw ten round dandruffs on the bottom of the alchemy furnace. Five of them had a circle and a circle on it. It looked pretty good and nothing special!

The host suddenly screamed, God! Patterned medicinal herbs! Then, isn't that a super drug? ! God, this little girl is not only a success rate of 10%, but also produced five super-medicine drugs?

The other players on the stage saw the referee and the host as a look of arrogance. They all curiously came together, especially relying on the recent arrogance. He was very proud at this time. This game helped the Netherland to get it. Victory, whether it is for himself or for the family, has great benefits.

Feng Ao feels that these referees and the host are really fussing. In the beginning of the cloud, there is definitely some medicine in the furnace, and there may be herbs that have not been refined into medicine. Is it so scary?

However, when he saw the situation inside the alchemy furnace, he immediately exclaimed: "No, impossible! This is impossible! You cheated!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he glanced at him: "Which eye do you see me cheating? Don't talk without speaking, go and go!"

Bailiyan also saw the situation inside the alchemy furnace. She also felt that this was impossible. But at this time, she and Yunchuyi both represented Tianyuan College. Natural selection and the beginning of the cloud were a front, so she said: Yun Xuemei is right, why do you say that Yun Xuemei is cheating? Can you afford to lose?"

Sealed arrogant and guilty: "Why? She used it so short, how could it be successful? So he must be cheating!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "If you can't do it, you can't do it on behalf of others? You still don't have children. Do you think that someone else is cheating when you have children? Your brain is really problematic, I have to doubt that you Just having such a result must be a dog, a donkey, a transporter, you are far worse than my hundred-year-old sister!"

Although Bailiyan felt suspicious of Yun’s performance, she listened to her so arrogant and raised herself, and her heart was very happy. The backlog of the backlog disappeared by more than half.

The arrogant face is red: "Smelly girl, you are nonsense! You are cheating!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders and spread my hand: "I don't cheat if you don't cheat. Dear judges, announce the results. I have to prepare for the next contest!"

The ten judges looked at each other and took out the medicinal herbs in the alchemy furnace. The medicinal herbs were indeed refining. It was impossible to prepare them in advance, so there was no such thing as cheating. How to say, Xiao Shantou this round than the test won.

The people below the test bench are simply curious. What is the inside of the cloud furnace? How are the referees and the host being forced?

And why does that arrogance say that the cloud is cheating?

How do you cheat in this crowd?

The ten referees briefly negotiated and handed the results to the moderator.

The voice of the host was slightly trembling: "Tianyuan College, Yunchu, Chengdan rate of 10%, super, super medicinal medicine five, top grade medicinal medicine five, one hundred and twenty-fifth points. This round of alchemy test, Tianyuan College won."

(End of this chapter)

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