Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 143: Actually, the night does not return.

Chapter 143 is actually not at night.

Emperor Beibei shunned the oil-paper bag sideways, and then looked at the angry cloud-like lion-like cloud, and forced it!

The beginning of the cloud has obviously been stunned by anger, and grabbed the collar of the emperor's beggar: "Roll! You get out of me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the spirit of eating milk did not make the emperor move a bit, but he almost fell to the arms of Emperor Beibei.

"You don't roll it? Good! You don't roll! I roll!" Yunyun rushed out of the house with anger, and slammed the door and ran out of the yard with anger.

The little black bird, who has been fearful, has also flew down from the trees in the yard and sneaked away with the clouds.

The dark wind and the darkness hidden in the darkness looked at each other. What happened?

How did Miss Nine run out of her own? Still angry? Respect it?

After a while, I only heard a sound of something breaking inside the house.

"Oh, secret, I guess I have a fight with Miss Nine!"


"We must be jealous!" I saw the little white face touched the head of Miss Nine, and the air-conditioning on the body almost killed me! If it is not the invisible grade, it is estimated to be discovered!"


"We are also unintentional in respect of you. You said that Miss Nine is angry. You are awkward. Actually, you are picking up things. Oh, it’s really awkward!"


"Rely! Dark, you won't say anything other than um?"


Dark wind...

At the beginning of the cloud, I was angry and out of the yard. The more I wanted to get angry, the more I thought: "Little black, do you say that the little white face is unreasonable? Actually, I am worthless, saying that I don't want to face! I am! He wants a face?! How much do you owe me? The door is closed?! How many meals have I eaten?! He is not worth the money, he is shameless!"

"Master, you are right! That little white face is not the most!" The little black bird also remembers the thing that the emperor Beibei throws it out!

The main pet two dark pokes smashed the big pass of the emperor, and then the little black bird weakly asked: "Master, that little white face will not be settled after the fall? He won't kill us both?"

"Hey! He still has to drink my blood! It won't kill me. Just kill it and kill it! Go, let's go to the five sisters today!" The confidence that Yunyun said at the beginning of his mouth is full, in fact, in his heart. Some fear, the impulse is the devil, the impulse is the devil, how could she not hold back at that time? ! I hope that Xiaobai's face doesn't bleed, she hasn't lived yet!

At the beginning of the cloud, the little black bird arrived at the courtyard where the cloud danced. The early dance of Yun was very puzzled: "Xiaojiu, are you looking for me?"

"Five sisters, I miss you, sleep with you tonight!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Although there were some accidents in the early dance of the cloud, I didn’t care too much. Xiaojiu was young and indifferent. Maybe she was not used to living, so the sisters simply washed a bit and talked for a while and rested.

The beginning of the cloud, this heartless, is asleep, and the emperor is screaming in the house! it is good! well! You are a black thing, but you still have no nights!

Emperor Beibei had the heart to catch the cloud back, but just got together, dizzy, a blood spurted out! Dangling fainted on the ground!

The dark wind and the darkness outside heard the movements, and rushed into the room.



I secretly took out a porcelain bottle from the storage ring and poured out a medicinal herb into the mouth of the emperor.

"Hidden, what happened? How did you suffer such a serious internal injury?" The dark wind suddenly did not have a normal tone, and the eyes were full of suffocation.

Dear, happy morning on the weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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