Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1431: Your sincerity is not enough

Chapter 1431 Your sincerity is not enough

The older referee took out a medicinal herb and smelled it. He said, "This is the Qing Dian Dan, and it is the super soul of the soul."

Stuart was slightly unstable and finished. This gambled him to lose. He not only wanted to admit his mistakes to the cloud, but also compensated her for the 100 million top grade stone. The Lingshi is good to say, but this public apologizes to her. Yes, it is too shameful!

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "The host, announce the results, I believe everyone is very anxious waiting."

Everyone in the audience saw the performance of Yunchu and Situ, and they already knew the approximate result. Didn’t the Yunchu not only refine the Qing Dynasty, but also refine the spirit of the soul. ?

After communicating with the ten referees, the host said aloud: "The cloud clearing system of the soul of the refining system Dan Chengdan rate of 10%, super, super medicinal medicine five, top grade medicinal medicine five, Yunchu 玖 is a bet Winner."

Everyone suddenly fry!

Although they have some faint speculations, they are still somewhat uncertain. Now I heard the host say so, and suddenly talked about it!

"I wonder if the people at the beginning of the cloud dare to agree to the gambling contract of Stuart? The daring people are sure!"

"Yeah, the so-called art high people are daring, genius is really a genius, once coincidence, these two can be strength."

"I have to say that the cloud 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这”


Although the dean of Huangfu was very patient, but his mouth was laughing, he couldn’t close it, good! Good at the beginning of the cloud! It is too deflated! Situ Yu, the old guy, this time, but he lost his face!

At this time, the cloud on the stage was waved at everyone, indicating that everyone was quiet.

Everyone was quiet, and the beginning of the cloud sighed: "Hey, it’s noon, I’m a little hungry, so it’s not very good.”

Everyone’s eyes twitched, you can pull it down! Is this still not working well? Do you still let us mortals live?

"Situ Tuo, Dean Situ, this gamble I won, should you also fulfill the contract? I am in a hurry to have lunch, you should not temper."

Situ’s old face was flushed, and he had a heart to play with, but he had already sent a vow of heart, and in the eyes of the public, it’s really a bit unreasonable.

After Situ Yu transferred the Lingshi to the beginning of the cloud, he bit his teeth and squeezed out three words from his teeth: "I'm sorry."

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "You can't say this, come back again."

"You! You don't have to take a step! I have already said that I have been modest, what are you going to do?" Situ Yu hated to find a place to sneak in. This is the darkest day of his life, never been so shameful.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "Situ, you just said that when I cheated, it was a long story. How can I apologize for such a slogan? If you say that your voice is too small, the people behind you are all Can't hear it, repeat it again, or be careful to be thundered!"

The people of Tianyuan mainland also began to follow up: "Yes! We have not heard!"

"I don't think it's useful to say it. You have to say that you have smashed the clouds, but you still have to say that you have a small belly and a chicken. You can't cheat at the beginning of the cloud!"

"Yes, apologize, there is no sincerity. Isn’t your Netherland mainland such a person who is not honest?"


(End of this chapter)

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