Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1437: Is she ready to draw with her fingers?

Chapter 1437 Is she ready to draw with her fingers?

Just when everyone was puzzled, the cloud began to breathe and sighed, and the index finger of his right hand was extended to the plate with the blood of the beast.

Everyone is full of horror, is it difficult to be a cloud, and I want to use my fingers as a symbol to draw symbols?

Isn't this a mess? !

If the finger can draw the symbol, what is the invention? Everyone is using your fingers!

In fact, the beginning of the cloud is also bottomless.

She sat in the chair and thought about it. She suddenly remembered that when she was in the test of the inaction, she used to curiously draw the flame on the corners of some of the papers, although it was not successful at the time, but in the middle of the night. When she threw the place where she was thrown, she suddenly caught fire. Maybe it was caused by Fu.

However, why did it not succeed at that time, but succeeded after a few hours?

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. Suddenly, my heart was a move. Could it be because she used the scraps of the paper, so the symbols she painted were relatively small, and the spiritual power above was naturally much less than the normal symbol. So it delays the time when the symbol works?

No, no matter whether it is this or not, this is her only chance. I must give it a try. I can’t admit defeat!

After the beginning of the cloud, the right index finger was smashed on the blood of the beast, and began to draw the bursting spell. It was very smooth at first, and the heart of the cloud was a joy. It seems that it is feasible. Situ, what are you special? Want to calculate me? Hey, Miss, I can beat you by my intelligence.

When the beginning of the cloud is proud, the sad reminder!

She forgot a very important thing, that is, she painted a small symbol, so the blood of the monster on the finger is enough.

But at this time, the normal specification is drawn, so when she draws less than half of it, the blood of the monster is exhausted. When I want to go to the blood of the monster and then draw it, the symbol is already burned. This symbol is abolished.

Originally, Li Wei saw that Yun Yun’s eyes had actually painted a small half of the symbol with his fingers. He was shocked. Now that he saw the symbol of the beginning of the cloud, he was relieved.

Humph! This cloud is simply a whimsical, he said, she could not draw success with her fingers, which made him a false alarm.

The people below the test bench also made a sigh of voice. They used to see the clouds and they were really drawn with their fingers. It was quite smooth, and the hope was once again in the heart. At the speed of the cloud, it must exceed Li Wei. What I didn’t expect was that the Fu was actually abolished, and it seems that they are empty and happy.

Situ Tu rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead. He was scared enough. This **** stinky head came up with such an idea, and it was really decent. Can she really draw with her fingers? ?

Now that he saw the symbol of the beginning of the cloud, it was a sigh of relief. This **** stinky head is really scheming and almost made her succeed! However, she thinks that things are too simple. If you can draw symbols with your fingers, what do you want to use? It’s really self-reliant!

At the beginning of the cloud, the brow is locked, what should I do? How can we solve the problem of insufficient blood in the monster? Or else she draws a small symbol?

It’s not right, the triangle eye was originally Situ’s group. If she painted the small symbol, he would not approve it. How can this be good?

Tenth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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