Chapter 1442 Truth

The host handed Yunqi and Li Wei's Fu Yi pen to the ten refining referees. The host admired Yunchu's five-body cast. No wonder the little girl asked him to save the pen. It was expected. It’s so enchanting to this scene!

Almost all people and him are the same idea, God, this cloud is not a man at first! She thought of this in advance, so it was so smart to be prepared!

Situ sighs his teeth, although he hates the clouds, he is smart, but he hates Li Wei, you waste! I can't hold my pen, and I even let the stinky head robbed! Just grab it, why don't you give Liu referee a wake up? It’s good now, I’m afraid things will be revealed, how can this be good!

Emperor Han Han does not know how to express pride!

it is good!

This is great!

Beibei’s little rabbit scorpion really has a vision!

Bloody sees the smug color of the emperor's face, and his heart is sour, hey, he does not believe that he can't help the Promise to find a wife who is more powerful than the cloud? ! Let's walk!

At this point, the ten refiners at the test bench had already checked the two symbols, and the five refinery referees in the Netherland were a bit stunned. I didn’t expect the Nether Academy to use such a despicable means. People don't have teeth.

A refining referee of Tianyuan Continental said coldly: "We have checked it. Li Wei's pen is a normal pen, but the pen that has been broken at the beginning of the cloud is not visible. Come out, but the inside of the pen is made of hands and feet, as long as the spiritual power reaches a certain value, the pen will break."

Everyone suddenly fry!

It’s hard to hear how hard it is to listen to Tianyuan’s mainland. Even the people on the Netherland feel that this fact is too shameful!

You can't do it with your hands and feet. Don't be found. This is good. It was caught by Tianyuan Continent and it was just dead!

The sweat on Situ’s forehead ran down again. He bit his teeth. Now he can only abandon the car, so he shouted angrily: “Liu Kui! I didn’t expect you to be so despicable. Things! Although your starting point is for the Netherland, but what we want is an upright victory, not a victory by this means! You are simply too much!"

Liu Kui is the first eye of the triangle eye referee. After seeing Situ’s gaze, he immediately understood the meaning of Situ, and said: “Hey! One person is doing things alone! This thing is really what I did. Since it was discovered, I can’t say it."

"Hey, your Netherland is really uninviting. When you have an accident, you will launch it under your hand. This Liu referee, I am really worth it for you! The reputation of your life is ruined, hey, I don't know, After going back, will your master kill you? I am really worried about you!" Yun said, I said to you in a good tone.

The eye of the triangle eye judge was stunned by the beginning of the cloud. Stuart’s person knew him. Maybe he could really make a murder, and his cold sweat would collapse.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth, so! I scare you to death! Play with me, I am killing you!

The remaining nine contestants, see the matter has been investigated clearly, let the host reconfirm the test results, this round of the contest is the Tianyuan College.

(End of this chapter)

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