Chapter 1446 put a pot of blood

Li Han was almost stunned by the beginning of the cloud!

A few pounds of monsters scattered?

What are you when I am? I am the monster, I swallowed a few pounds of fans, I have to be fart!

The other four players of Tianyuan College listened to Yunchu’s saying, and they said: "That is, maybe he took the medicine in advance, and then said what secret technique, hey, the people in the Nether Academy are really treacherous!"

"Fortunately, Yun Xuemei is smart, or else you will be on the go! Since we are not allowed to use drugs, this cold is not allowed to use secret techniques, otherwise it is unfair to us!"

People in the Tianyuan Continental of the world have also started to swear: "Yes! The blood of the cold must have problems! The best thing about your Netherland is cheating!"

"That is a cold and secret technique is cheating! You should cancel his qualification!"


Situ’s sullen teeth, this **** cloud, is really too picky!

The referee of the eagle hook nose sneered: "Stop! You are so ignorant! The sorcerer uses the mystery. This is from ancient times. The blood of the beastmaster enters the sacred beast, so that the gods are established. It’s easier to contact, why do you cheat? The crowd, you say, is this secret trick cheating?”

The eagle hook nose asked the rest of the nine referees. Although there are people in the nine referees who have Tianyuan mainland, it is not good to say swearing. This sorcerer's secret technique is really not cheating.

When I saw their look at the beginning of the cloud, I knew what they meant. She turned her eyes and said: "Even if the secret is not cheating, you have to check if there is any illegal drug in the blood of the cold to convince everyone. Li Han, you put a pot of blood to let the referees look at it. If there is no illegal drug in the certificate, then you can use the secret technique."

A basin of blood?

The cold eyes are red!

Are you a blood test or are you killing me?

In the end, Li Han still put a few drops of blood out. After the referees examined it, he proved that there is no illegal drug in his blood, and he can continue to use secret techniques.

"Hey! The beginning of the cloud, although you are very cunning, but this beast must be my first cold!" Li Han finished, squeezed a drop of blood again, began to squat.

When I just said a word, I heard a voice from the beginning of the cloud. He was scared and blinked. The blood dropped on the ground.

"The referee! Yunchu has repeatedly interrupted me, please cancel her qualification!" Li Hanqi really wants to go to the front of the cloud, this **** stinky must be deliberate!

The eagle hook nose referee immediately screamed: "Yes, this cloud has been interrupted for no reason, and it is supposed to be expelled."

The first grievance of the cloud said: "I am not interrupting Li Han for no reason! I want to ask you a question. Since Li Han can use mystery, can we use it? We use it. Isn't it illegal?"

The eagle hook nose disdainfully said: "The sorcerer's secret technique has been handed down very little. Do you still have secret surgery? Hey, if you will use it, just if you interrupt the cold enchantment again, cancel you. Qualification test."

"Reassured, rest assured, I have to use my secret technique. How can I interrupt his mystery! Everyone has an eye on it. We have a million-year-old mysterious sorcerer that is easy to let outsiders see. You are a blessed one today!" said Yun Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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