Chapter 1453 Requirements for the Virgin

The resident of the Nether Academy is in stark contrast to the Tianyuan College, a strange death.

The original good situation, the hard-won life was stirred up by a person at the beginning of the cloud, and not only lost the game, but also disgraceful, it is a shameful shame.

In the big account of Liu’s deputy, Situ was standing with his hand on his forehead, and his forehead was full of cold sweat, but he did not dare to wipe it. He was afraid that Liu’s deputy would blame.

"Liu deputy, this time, things have been foolproof. I never thought that I would kill a cloud, isn't it that she died in the misty valley?"

Liu deputy lord screamed coldly: "Hey! Nothing is lost? This is what you said is nothing to lose? The beginning of the cloud is nothing but a yellow-haired girl. It is a matter of destroying your so-called plan by one person! Is she too smart or you are too stupid? ?!"

"This, this little girl is really too evil. I, I did not expect that she had such a high alchemy and Fulu talent. As for the beast, I did not expect that **** flame red tail charm fox, will Because of what beauty and goodness, she was succeeded by her. You can rest assured that I will assure you that tomorrow's spiritual power will be tested, we will surely win, and surely it will be foolproof!" Situ Yu said vowed.

"Hey! If you try to lose again tomorrow, you know the consequences!" said Liu, the deputy of the main hall.

"Yes! Yes! I know!" Situ saw that the pass had passed, and then dared to take out the wipes and wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, there was a dark guard outside the big account, and Liu’s deputy gave a voice, indicating that people came in.

After the dark guard came in, he saw that Situ was hesitating when he was present. Liu deputy lord said faintly: "Own people, no problem, you say, what?"

"Liu deputy master, the saint received a voice, saying that the body is uncomfortable, the saint said to return to the temple in advance."

Liu’s main face suddenly sank: “Hey! If it’s not for, oh! I’ve killed her and that wild man forever! As a sacred woman of the Nether Temple, I’ve found a wild man privately. It’s really shameless!"

Situ discretioned before admitting: "Liu deputy, you are dissipating, they are always under your control, and will be in the morning and evening."

"Eleven years! Still can't ask a useful clue! If the monk still refuses to say, I will kill the wild man! The saint can also be changed for personal, not her!" The head of the temple said that he was gnashing his teeth.

The dark guard asked with courage: "Liu deputy, then, the request of the saint is still not promised?"

Vice-President Liu was silent for a moment: "I can't completely tear my face with her for the time being, tell the monk that she will leave tomorrow after the trial begins."


Situ Yu saw that the dark guard had retired, and then he persuaded: "Liu deputy, you are suffocating, let alone the Temple of the Nether, and even the Tianyuan continent will be yours in the future! Why bother with the monk!"

Liu Diandian heard that Situ Wu said so, his face eased a little: "Tomorrow's test can't be careless. In any case, we must win. Otherwise, we will lose both stages of the test. It is really too much morale. ""

Situ Wu immediately swears a pledge to make a wish: "You can rest assured that tomorrow's test will be sure of nothing, and our Nether Temple will surely win."

Sixth more. Bamboo toothache can't work, and the remaining four chapters will be filled in during the daytime. Let's watch it again during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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