Chapter 1461 is born to be the leader

Everyone knew what was going on, and they saw Jia Long’s arm being blown up!


Is the power of those purple needles so big?

So how can a small spiritual needle have such a great power?

The thing on the metamorphosis of the cloud is really not speculated by common sense!

When everyone was stunned, they saw a few purple needles on the face of Jia Long’s face. Jia Long was worried about it. He did not expect that the cloud would continue to attack and be purple. The small needle shot right, and with the bursting sound, Jia Long was in a suffocating manner.

Everyone is embarrassed, and no one expected that the first time the cloud would do so. Even when Jia Long has lost his right arm, he will continue to attack. Is this too hot?

The people on the Netherland immediately began to yell at anger:

"The beginning of the cloud! You are too vicious! Jia Long has been abolished by your right arm. Why do you want to take his life?"

"That is, this is more than a test bench and not a battlefield. You are too much to do this!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart! This cloud is really vicious!"


Yunchu was standing silent on the stage, until the speech was a little smaller, she said proudly: "Do you think that I killed Jialong, I am too vicious? Then we Tianyuan College was forced to kneel and be forced by him. How do you count the seriously injured seniors? Moreover, do you think that if Jia Long wins me, do you think he will spare my life?

You remember one sentence, whoever provokes me to the beginning of the cloud, although strong will kill, whoever commits my heavenly elements, though far away! ”

All the people were shocked by the last words of Yunchu. They didn't think that a little girl had such courage and courage to say such things!

The little **** the stage, although the face is tender, although the spiritual power is not high, but at this moment, everyone remembers a name - Yunchu!

They know that this name will definitely be famous in the future, and this name will definitely bring everyone shocked again and again!

The people in Tianyuan mainland only feel that the blood inside the body is boiling up, and they are shouting: "The one who made me a **** is far away!"

"If you commit me a god, you must be far away!"


Even those big powers feel that they are in a state of turmoil, and hate can’t be a few too!

The emperor's excited hands were slightly trembling. He thought that the first few surprises for him were enough, but he didn't expect the little girl to give him such a huge surprise!

A word can resonate with the entire Tianyuan mainland people, and one sentence can make everyone's blood boil. Such a person is born to be a leader, born to be the top of existence!

For a time, all the powers lost color in the face of the glory of the beginning of the cloud. In the hearts of everyone, there is only one figure at this time, that is, the cloud is standing proudly on the stage!

The face of Liu’s deputy was slightly changed. I thought it was just a yellow-haired girl. Although there were some evil doors, the spiritual power was still very low. I didn’t expect her to have such a confusing ability. The fighting spirit has been mobilized, and she will inevitably become a big worry when she grows up. She must be destroyed before she is not strong enough!

Situ Ting is even more hateful and gnashing. Originally, the stinky scorpion killed the opponent of the test. It was a matter of loss. She did not expect that she would not only be able to rebut the crimes in a few words, but it also triggered the resonance of everyone in Tianyuan, which is really abhorrent!

(End of this chapter)

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