Chapter 1464 The Power of Nether

Mu Yan Although the eyes are still red and swollen, but there is no big problem, the haze stares at the beginning of the cloud, stinky, it seems that I have to make my killer smashed, today, you will die!

Mu Yan bite his index finger and began to seal: "With my blood, sacrifice the ghost, the power of the ghost, come!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that Mu Yan had bitten the index finger and knew that it was going to be a bad thing. So I fired a few purple needles at the first time. Nai Mu Mu had early defenses and inspired the defensive spirits on the body. Watching Mu Yan complete the mystery.

The power of the power on the Tianyuan mainland VIP table has changed, the power of the Nether? Eleven years ago, because of the power of this phantom, Tianyuan Continental suffered a big loss. I did not expect that someone used the power of Nether today.

They worried about the cloud on the stage, especially the emperor, and prepared for it. If the cloud is in danger, he will go to the rescue in the first place, and it is important to win the battle.

Mu Yan has already finished printing at this time, and the whole person looks even more gloomy: "Smelly girl, today you will be able to see the power of the Nether!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth: "The power of the Nether? I haven't heard of it, even though it is used, but I said that Mu Yan, you use your blood to sacrifice this thing once, you are not afraid that your blood will die. ?"

Mu Yan said with a gnashing of his teeth: "Nonsense! Let's die!"

After Mu Yan said, the spirited double-headed snake was released again, but this time the spiritual two-headed snake exudes a blue glory, and the cloud can feel a chill in the far distance.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the cold poison of the Emperor Beibei. I thought it was caused by the power of the shit. This thing seems to be very overbearing. She is still careful.

At the beginning of the cloud, several spiritual pigs were released, and the spiritual pigs rushed toward the spiritual double-headed snake. What surprised the early days was that the spiritual pigs swallowed the spiritual power of the spiritual two-headed snake. After that, it was frozen into ice sculptures, and then slowly dissipated.

Mu Yan said with a big laugh: "Smelly girl, can't you put a pig? You put it? How much do you release, I let them become ice pigs!"

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart is tight, I want to suffer! Her spiritual pig can't cope with this **** ghost power, purple needle?

At the beginning of the cloud, several purple small needles were fired toward the spirited double-headed snake. When the purple small needle was close to the double-headed spiritual snake, it became an ice needle and then dissipated!

Emperor Yu Han’s hands clenched his fists. This was also the case at the beginning. It’s the power of this kind of phantom that makes the people of Tianyuan’s mainland have a headache. No matter what kind of spiritual attack, they will be turned into ice sculptures by the power of the Nether.

At this time, the two-headed snake had already rushed to the front of the cloud, and the cloud began to evade. In order to prevent it, she inspired the defensive spirit. What I did not expect was that the power of the gloom was overbearing. It was easy to break several layers of defensive hoods on the cloud.

What's special, this **** power of the Nether is really difficult!

The beginning of the cloud simply gave up the spiritual materialization, and directly used the purple lightning to the double-headed spiritual snake. Her thoughts are very simple. No matter what the power of your shit, you are even more afraid of the thunder!

Not to mention, after the purple lightning smashed the spirited double-headed snake, the two-headed spiritual snakes slowed down, and the clouds were overjoyed, and continued to use the purple lightning to sculpt the two-headed snake.

However, the problem is coming soon. Although the purple lightning has an effect on the spiritual double-headed snake, the purple lightning of the cloud is still too weak compared to the spiritual double-headed snake. The double-headed snake has substantial damage.

(End of this chapter)

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