Chapter 1487 will move the earth bag

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought that this day will be the same as other secrets. The inside is a valley, a forest, and the like. I didn’t expect that the burning of this day was extremely desolate.

Looking from afar, there are only a few earthen bags, the weeds on the ground are also half dead, and there is still a piece of black, I don’t know if it’s being smashed by lightning or how to get it.

The beginning of the cloud can not help but have a belly, so can there be a monster in such a harsh environment? The monster can't survive at all? !

However, it may be that only the place where she was transferred is like this. Go ahead and check it out.

The beginning of the cloud is moving forward, and the sky begins to fire.

Fireballs vary in size, small fist size, large size and even the size of the lid, falling down one after another.

At the beginning of the cloud, the fireballs were ignited, and the fireballs were blocked by fire shields.

"Mom! Fortunately, I have a fireball, or else I have to be sinned! I don't know if it is like this. If I find it a ghost, I will kill you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, muttered and continued to move forward. After walking about twenty miles, there was no fireball in the sky and then fell. After the cloud was removed from the fire, it was about to rest for a while, and the ground began to tremble.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t dare to be scornful. I watched the police everywhere and saw that the earthen bags turned out to be moving.

Can the earth bag move?

how can that be?

The beginning of the cloud soon knows why these earthen bags can move, especially! Where is this earthen bag! Those earth bags turned out to be a huge monster!

The monsters are similar to the tortoises, and there are huge turtle shells on the back. The monsters are estimated to be resting before, and the neck and limbs are curled up inside the turtle shell, so the clouds think they are earth bags.

At the beginning of the cloud, there were countless numbers, and there were as many as six heads, and they all climbed toward the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I never imagined that I had encountered such a big crisis when I first entered the secret of the burning of the sky. She tried to test the bursts and smashing, and no one could use it without any accident.

Although the monsters are similar to the turtles, they are not slow at all, and the blink of an eye is surrounded by the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the thick limbs of the monster, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​running away. The six monsters who smiled and shook their paws: "Hey, how are you! I have never seen such a majestic demon like you." Beast, don't know what kind of monster you are? Is it not a sacred oracle?"

Although the six giant monsters did not speak people's words, they still understood them. When they heard that Yunchu had compared them with the sacred oracles, they were very proud and screamed.

The sound is almost the same as that of the duck.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was happy. It seems that they can understand her words. Hey, as long as she can understand her, she is not afraid of flicking them!

"The six beasts, you don't have to worry about me running away, I can't run even if I want to run! Let's talk!" Yun said with a smile, the head of the goods is running at a rapid speed, what she said can attract them. What about your attention? Can you delay the time without moving, or even find a chance to escape?

The six-headed beast did not say that after listening to the beginning of the cloud, Yunchu knew that this was acquiescence, so he curiously said: "The six beasts, I am very curious, this ghost place has only some grass, what do you eat for? Ah, is it that you don’t eat anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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