Chapter 1491, they are fooled again.

When the three-headed beast saw the beginning of the cloud, they looked up and roared. In fact, this area is not their active area, but they are all mad, and there is only one thought in their hearts, that is, the little girl who plays them. The corpse is 10,000.

"The beast and the beast, the beast and the grown-up, fast! I am afraid that you are not enough, and I have found so many foods for you. You can enjoy it! Look at the three beasts and adults, you just have to eat more!" Hey, nothing happened, and cheerfully waved to the three-headed beast.

The three monsters are obviously somewhat blind. What do you mean? She said that she is not running away. Is she looking for food for them?

The people in the Nether Temple are already scared. The legs are weak, although I don’t know what these three behemoths are, but the pressure that they radiate must not be lower than the twenty-seventh order. Is it the spiritual pet of the cloud? ?

"God and beast, you are not going to squat! You don't eat the snacks that are delivered to the door? I just managed to trick them here, don't let them run!" Yun said with anxiousness.

Those in the Nether Temple heard the sayings of Yunchu, and more and more sure that these three monsters are the spiritual pets of the beginning of the cloud, fleeing desperately.

The three-headed beast saw the crowds of the Nether Temple run away, and the subconsciously chased the past. The stinky head said yes, no matter how to eat these people first, anyway, the stinky **** can't run anymore!

The people in the Temple of the Nether are considered to be bloody!

Although they have a large number of people, but where are the opponents of these three monsters, the three monsters are not only physically strong, but also can launch water arrows. The huge water arrow hits people and it is a man’s life.

At the beginning of the cloud, the straight tongue, Emma, ​​these three kings are afraid that even the 27th order will not stop. She used them to kill the people in the Temple of the Nether, but how can she get out?

In any case, first of all, to reduce the three kings of the war, then the goods are cheering and cheering: "No. 1 beast, good! Yes, kill them with your heroic claws!"

"No. 2 Beastmaster, your water arrow is too powerful! Add more effort and kill them all!"

"The number three beasts, you will be too brave, right, kill them all!"


Although the three-headed beast is cleaning up the people in the Temple of the Nether, but the eyes of the eyes have been staring at the beginning of the cloud, for fear that the cloud will run again at the beginning of the cloud, they see the meaning of the screaming cheers of the cloud and do not run, this is the Put aside the war.

The rise of the three-headed beasts will not pay much attention to the beginning of the cloud. Anyway, I can always hear her shouting cheers, and she can't run if she wants to come.

Less than half an hour, the three-headed beast killed the people of the Nether Temple, and then they remembered to find the cloud.

However, when they turned their heads, the gas almost fainted!

Where is the shadow of the cloud? ! Only a stone-like thing on the ground is still playing the cries of the beginning of the cloud: "The second beast, your water arrow is too powerful! Add more effort and kill them all!"


Three-headed demon animal's straight pumping!

They are fooled again!

This **** stinking ghost is really too much!

They want to chase, but they don't know where the clouds are going, and they are far away from their territory. Even though they are screaming, they have to give up the chasing.

(End of this chapter)

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