Chapter 1505 Try Piglets

Yu Tang and others were shocked. This stinky head can still speak in the water? how can that be?

Although the waterproof bead can make people move freely in the water, but the speech is absolutely impossible, or her body is special, or she has a water-avoiding bead!

At the thought of avoiding the water beads, everyone's eyes showed a greedy look, and the water-stained bead was the legendary existence. Even if it was to avoid the water drops, it must kill this stinky girl!

The owner of the church waved his hand and signaled everyone to surround the cloud.

Unexpectedly, before they were blocked, the cloud began to smile at them, then shook hands, did not know what was spilled, the surrounding river became dark.

When everyone was panicking, they found that a few purple lightnings went straight to them and shot them.

Yu Tang and others and those beasts rushed to dodge, what surprised them was that those small lightnings would turn!

by! This stinky head is too evil!

Not only on the land, but also in the water! It is obviously the simplest lightning, how can it turn?

The owner of the church signaled that everyone was calm, and that everyone began to attack the front with a spiritual attack.

These people are all water spirit roots, and their spiritual materialization is also an aquatic monster, shooting toward the front, although the specific position of the cloud is not seen, but the stinky head must be in front of it.

"Hey! I was seriously injured! I can't! I have to run away!"

In front of it, the screams of the clouds and the self-talking came to me. Yutang and others were overjoyed. One of the killers immediately swam in the front, and his spiritual pet, the iron-toothed giant shark, also rushed. past.

The killer swam for a while, and she saw that Yun Yun was struggling to move forward in front of him, and as she went forward, there was a trace of blood flowing through it.

The killer was happy, and the stinky girl looked really hurt. Although her little lightning had some evil doors, as long as he was careful, there would be no problem, not to mention that he also had iron-toothed giant sharks to help.

Thinking of this, the killer speeded up and chased the past towards the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked back and saw him chasing him. He couldn’t help but sneer, hey, demo, and another one to die. I broke each and killed you all!

The killer was chasing it. I saw that the cloud suddenly stopped and did not go forward. When there was some suspicion, I saw the first wave of the cloud waving, and several purple lightnings went straight to him and the iron-toothed giant shark.

Although the killer had some accidents, he did not care too much. He launched a spiritual sea bream and went straight to the clouds.

At the beginning of the cloud, eight flying swords were called to protect themselves. They continued to launch purple lightning to attack the killer and the iron-toothed giant shark.

After a few strokes, Yun Yun said that it was not good. She still thought things too simple. It seems that he was too big to kill the person before. This obviously is not good. And the people behind have already swam over, and they will be able to catch up soon. If she can't speed up, she will be besieged!

How to do?

Purple needles can't, I don't know how to do intermediate materialization. Can she materialize the aquatic monsters in case? Yes, she will try it!

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, and started to use intermediate physical and chemical techniques. Then I found out that I was letting out the cute little piglets.

The little spiritual piglet that was released was obviously a little aggressive, and then ignorantly swam toward the iron-toothed giant shark.

(End of this chapter)

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