Chapter 1507 Playing Pigs and Eating Tigers

Yu Tang and others have already swam to the vicinity of Yunchu, and they have died two people in succession. This time they dare not shun the enemy again.

Yutang’s master gestured a gesture to encircle the cloud, and the cloud was smashed and a bottle of dye was spilled. The river became dark.

Yu Tang and other popular gnashing teeth, but there is no way, black water is dark, not to mention the beginning of the cloud, even their own people can not see.

In the darkness, I heard the people who had the Temple of the Nether screaming out loud. This is not a problem. The river rushed into the mouth and the man hurried to the surface to breathe.

At this moment, he felt a pain in his back. Then, there was no more. The body of his and his beast floated above the water.

"God, one more!"

"Right, how did the river get dark? Is it the first time that the cloud has poisoned it inside? The ones who are in the church may be poisoned!"

"What you said makes sense, or else it is impossible to kill them at the beginning of the cloud!"

"You can pull it down. What kind of poison does this poison have to be poisoned by the river? It is definitely not poisonous."


Yutang’s master saw and died a man, and he hated it in the heart. This **** cloud is very embarrassing! I even thought of such a sinister way! However, you are still too young to me!

At this point, the dye was almost diluted by the river water, and everyone finally recovered their sight. The owner made a gesture toward his hand, indicating that everyone was spreading and expanding the encirclement.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes flashed, hey, it’s still very smart! In this way, if she uses the dye again, they can't see her, but as long as they attack the middle.

After the church owner waved his hand, the spiritual attacks of the seven men all shot at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned and began to put pigs.

Before the head of the church and others, I was far away. I didn’t see the metamorphosis of the spiritual piglets. So I saw the stupid little piglets that thumped four legs. I couldn’t help but lick my mouth. This stuff is on land. Ok, in the water? Oh, it’s weak!

The beginning of the cloud sneered in the heart, and you will feel better in a while!

At the beginning of the cloud, there was no idleness in his hands. He protected himself with eight swords, and then shot them in a row with purple lightning.

In the church, they naturally will not sit still, on the one hand, pay attention to the situation of the spiritual pig, on the one hand, use the water arrow to attack the cloud.

The seven heads of the spiritual pigs still swayed the little short legs, and the seven spiritual beasts rushed to them. In the church, they looked at the little pigs with contempt, and said that these little pigs must play. It’s over.

However, they were completely shocked by the next thing!

The seven piglets that were originally sluggish suddenly became smart and fiercely biting towards the spiritual beast!

What's special, where is this pig? ! This is even more fierce than the tiger!

This is a living pig to eat tigers!

When the head of the church and others were swearing at the gods, Yunchu’s first release of the eight-headed spiritual pigs, and the priests and other people quickly released the spiritual power to resist, and the two sides smashed together again.

In the church, although they are crowded, they can't stand the cloud. This product has a bad stomach. When the goods can't hold it, they put the dye into the water and then sneak up.

The spiritual pig and the purple lightning sneaked in succession, and soon lost three people on the side of the church, leaving only four people.

(End of this chapter)

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