Chapter 1521 Hongyuan ancestors

When I saw the cloud, I found out that there was something wrong with it. I had to tell the truth: "These things are covered with the old things of the black heart and the drunken dreams. Then I can easily kill the people who come in."

At the beginning of the cloud, the 擀 玖 玖 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 对 擀Let you play tricks, I let you play with your heart, I am flattering you!"

After the giant python put the body in a circle and protected his head, a dead pig did not slap the hot water. Anyway, it was strong and thick, and let the cloud squat at that time.

Nangong Luyue et al. ordered a wax for the giant python, and even wanted to count Xiaojiu, you are looking for abuse! That!

After the cloud had been pumping for a while, it was deflated, and then asked: "Where the masters are, except for these spirits, where are the rest of the treasures? If you don't say anything, I will make you a snake!"

I didn’t think that Yun’s early Qilian had guessed it. I had to say: “The old thing that was black and hearted said that when his apprentice came, he would have to bury him, so he pressed his storage ring under his ass. If his apprentice does not bury him, he will not get the storage ring."

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "It seems that the owner of this cave is really suspicious! However, Xiaoni, how do you tell if the person is his apprentice?"

The giant python took out a portrait from his storage space: "I didn't die and gave me a portrait, saying that this is his apprentice."

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a portrait and looked at it. I painted a middle-aged man and it was not bad. It was just the treacherous color in the triangle. How do you think it is not like a good person?

But also, the owner of this cave is not like a good person, and the suspicion is so heavy, I am afraid that I did not do anything good before my death!

When the giant 蛟 sees the cloud at the beginning, it is silent, and there is some anxiety in the heart. This small metamorphosis will not directly take the spirit and storage ring and leave it? If that is the case, it violates the oath, it will be thundered by the sky!

"Small, little fairy, you, how can you help me to lift my heart and swear?" The giant cockroach completely did not have the original pride, asked pitifully.

"How did you make a vow of sorrow, and I learned it with a word."

"The sky is on, I will swear here, and do my best to protect this cave house. Except for the apprentices of Hongyuan's ancestors, I will kill them if anyone moves those spirits. If this is an oath, it will be thundering." The giants repeated the vows.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes: "Are you sure that you have not missed a word?"

The giant scorpion nodded: "I don't have a word. At that time, I was the one who made such a swearing oath."

"That's easy! The skeleton is Hongyuan's ancestors? Can he not be a disciple? Then I will worship him as a teacher! As a disciple, is it not natural for him to take these things?" !"

After the beginning of the cloud, the pretending to the skeleton said: "Master, my newly released apprentice will salute you! These spirits also have things in the storage ring, just when you give me a meeting, I I will give you a good burial. As for the person on the portrait, it is not a good bird at first glance. I will help you clean up the portal. I will only have one of my baby apprentices in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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