Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1527: We are looking for treasure

Chapter 1527, we are looking for treasure

At the beginning of the cloud, I snorted and walked to the original location of the big mushroom. After opening the bluestone slabs below, there were more than a dozen steps below. The cloud was still throwing a stone down. See nothing. Abnormal, this went down the steps.

Nangong Luyue and other people also quickly followed, go joking, don't keep up with Xiaojiu, what if the **** big mushroom comes back? !

After everyone walked down to the bottom, I realized that this is the real Dongfu. The big mushroom should be the demon plant of the owner here, responsible for the entrance of the cave house.

Inside the cave is very simple, in addition to a stone bed, there is a stone table, a stone bench, in addition to there is only a sitting bone.

When everyone was looking around, the white bones rose above the fog, and gradually formed the appearance of an old man, which must be white, and it seems that there is a bit of meaning of the wind.

"Why do you want to break into my Dongfu? What is it?"

Nangong Luyue et al. looked at the beginning of the cloud, and Yunxiao said with a smile: "Predecessors, polite! We are of course a treasure hunt! But I don’t think you wear it. It is estimated that there is nothing good. We are white!"

"Hey! Little age, such a force! The old man has no good things? It's really nonsense!" The old man said coldly.

"Do you have good things? Do you have a good thing to guard the Dongfu with a broken mushroom? You have good things, this cave is so simple? I think you are completely blowing cows!" Yun said with a grin.

The old man’s beard is tilted up: “Little girl! What are you looking at?”

When the old man raised his hand, there were a lot of spirits on the ground, and there were some jade boxes inside, which were estimated to be high-level elixir.

At this time, Nangong Luyue et al. have already guessed the intention of the cloud. This is really bad enough. This is a sneak peek. The old man is really simple. Even so, is it so simple? Is the ancient people so simple?

Although the beginning of the cloud is happy, the face is a look of disapproval: "It's still okay! There is a lot of Hongyuan ancestors than you have here!"

The old man suddenly raised the tone: "What do you say?! Hongyuan's cave of old things? Is he still alive?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the color of resentment in the eyes of the old man. My heart moved: "I can’t die anymore! It’s not as good as you, you still have a sorrowful soul, he has completely shouted!"

"Dead? He is also dead? Hahaha! Retribution! Really retribution! Hongyuan Laofufu, you still died in front of me! Hahaha! I won! Finally I won!" The old man is mad Laughing.

The straight hair of the beginning of the cloud, how does this laugh like crying? Is this an enemy or a friend?

The old man calmed down for a long time, then asked: "You tell me how you found his place of burial? What is the situation inside?"

The beginning of the cloud is not concealed, Barabara said things again, including how she cheated the giants, how to unilaterally talk about the teacher's things.

After listening to the old man, he didn’t speak for a long time. It was estimated that he was also scared by the cheeky and rogue of the cloud.

For a long time, the old man lamented: "I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it! Hongyuan, you are a veteran husband. You always have a self-sufficient and unparalleled life. After you die, you let a little girl calculate it. It is retribution! Retribution!"

(End of this chapter)

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