Chapter 1530 Small Mushroom

"Little mushroom, I will give you the last chance. If you want to go back to Xianyuan, you will come and recognize me as the master. Let's sign the equality contract. In the future, if I fly to the mainland, I will cancel the contract with you. I am free. I have dozens of numbers. If you still can’t come out, I will leave! Ten, nine, eight...”

When the number of clouds reached the second, the little mushroom smashed out from the cliff wall, and a tweezers stretched out a hyphae. This hyphae is different from other hyphae. There is a red thread inside, which is obviously small. The demon element of the mushroom is located.

At the beginning of the cloud, the index finger was bitten, and a drop of blood was dripped on it. Several hyphae of the small mushroom were waved and began to print.

After a while, there was a soft voice in the mind of the cloud: "Master."

"Since you recognize me as the master, I have to give you a cool and good name, what is it?" The name is awkward!

I thought about it for a while, and my eyes lit up: "I want a good name! Both image and good memory, cough, you are called a small mushroom!"

Small mushroom……

Nangong Lun Yue et al...

"Come on, small mushroom, and quickly become a big mushroom, I have to sit on it and sing a circle!" Yun said with a smile.

The little mushroom trembled: "Master, I can't get bigger now."

"What?!" At the beginning of the cloud, he immediately became angry. He poked his finger at the little mushroom and asked: "You can't get bigger before?"

"Lord, master, this is not bad for me. You sucked up my venom a lot. The spiritual power in my body is not enough to maintain such a big shape. Moreover, I just consumed some gods to support the remnants of my former master. I need to recover for a while to restore my original power."

The little mushroom grievances said, it was bitter in the heart, lived for tens of thousands of years, and did not encounter a metamorphosis like you, even poisoned and died, mad at the mushroom!

"How long will it take you to restore the original spiritual power?" There was a hint of ominous premonition in the heart of Yun.

"No, it's hard to say, maybe a few years, and maybe a few hundred years." The small mushroom used the hyphae to protect its cap, fearing that it would poke it again.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that I seemed to have received a burden, but I couldn’t throw it if I had already received it. At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin. "Since you have nothing to do now, you can't eat it in white. Fortunately, you are still pretty good, and then I will be my headgear!"

After the beginning of the cloud, I put the little mushroom on my head and said to the moon in the Nangong: "Sister of the moon, do you see my mushroom scorpion look good?"

Nangong’s moon 狠狠 狠狠 , , , , , , , , , 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 虽然 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南

"Small nine, let's go up!" Nangong decided to avoid answering.

At the beginning of the cloud, she flattened her mouth. She didn’t stupidly know the meaning of the Nangong’s falling moon. She dismissed the small mushroom into the beast bag: “There is nothing to say about it! Even the headwear is not good! Small waste! ”

"Lord, master, you can't always put me in the beast bag, I can't touch the soil for a long time, I will die!" said the little mushroom pitifully.

In the beginning of the cloud, I’m a bit of a straight bite, and this is purely an ancestor’s return! I had to get some mud from the sinister secrets and put it in the sacred beast bag. The small mushroom was satisfied with it.

Eighth. The two chapters owed, the bamboo remembers, there will be time to make up, these days are busy and tired, forgive me. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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