Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1538: Sad reminder of bloodlessness

Chapter 1538, sad reminder of bloodlessness

When some male students listened, they were a little bit eager to move. Qin Mingzhu, but the goddess in their hearts, has always been dignified and elegant, and there is such a wild side?

So, some people did not close the door, just sneaked in and saw the scene in front of them, one by one stunned, the battle on the bed is very fierce, Qin Mingzhu's beautiful body is unobstructed, and some male students nosebleed on the spot Flowed down. Some people even recorded the live scene with the recording stone.

What's special! It’s really cheap Yin Xuecheng this kid! I did not expect that both of them actually have a leg! Is their goddess blind? How can you look at Yin Xuecheng?

However, everyone quickly understood that two people may be poisoned, or else, even if they are cheating, they will not avoid people. What's more, so many people have come in, but if they are sensible, they should be screamed.

The beginning of the cloud outside the yard inspired the hidden characters. After hearing the opinions of the people, I thought that I would find someone to choose from. I thought he would find the chores. I didn’t expect to find Yin Xuecheng, Zhuang Nan. It’s a perfect match for a prostitute!

At this time, the dark-faced flowers that were mourned by the beginning of the cloud were rushing into the wall.

He and Blood Promise both underestimated the power of the drug, and although the blood was soaked in the ice water, it still could not suppress the growing effect.

The blood is desperately suppressed with spiritual power, but the effect is still strong. The bloodless body is like a fire, and even the eyes become red and bloody.

The Guardian Flower proposed to find the way to the beginning of the cloud, the bloodless life and death do not agree: "Flower, if, if you let Xiaojiu sister see me so embarrassed, I will do it myself!"

The dark and sturdy flowers are in a hurry, seeing a bite, since the cloud is not enough, look for other women! So, simply stunned the bloodless, inspired the hidden occultation and rushed out of Tianyuan College with blood.

The guards at Tianyuan College found anomalies and a lot of chaos, but when they found out, the blind flowers had already rushed out with blood.

The dark guard flower blossomed with blood and came to the **** demon in the house of Wudi City. After taking care of the bloodlessness, he decided to go out and help his family to find a woman.

The low-lying women in the brothel are naturally not good, and the women with backgrounds in Bailiyan are not good either. It is best to find a woman without a background. In this case, even if the master wakes up, it is better to send. Besides, it is a blessing that she has cultivated in her eight generations to sleep with them. It’s not bad for the Lord to keep her responsible!

The dark guard flower blossomed out of the yard, the night was quiet, and there was no one on the street. Where did you go to find the girl? Do you go to someone else's home to grab one?

When the Guardian Flower is preparing to enter the room and robbing the women, he will hear a sigh in the distance, and the dark flowers will go out and be happy!

It turned out to be a comatose woman!

Although the clothes are a bit strange, but the length is not bad, and it seems that it is not married, there is no spiritual power, this is the best candidate, she is!

The Guardian Flower directly picked up the woman and returned to the house. After waking up the blood, she placed the two people directly on the bed.

During the bloodless coma, the efficacy of the drug was not suppressed by the spirit, and it was completely attacked. I felt the sweet smell of the woman next to me. I suddenly lost my senses. After tearing off the clothes on the woman, I turned over and covered it...

(End of this chapter)

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