Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1543: I am coming to pick up Xiaojiu.

Chapter 1543, I will pick up Xiaojiu

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked up and flew a flying spirit in the distance. Isn't this a flying weapon of the little white face?

In the beginning of the cloud, I have to talk about my strength. I also said how the rules of the Tianyuan College are so strict.

After the flying spirits landed, the hatch opened and the Emperor Beibei slowly walked down from above.

Some female students screamed involuntarily, and they couldn’t immediately rush forward. Fortunately, the emperor’s suffocating field was strong enough. Although the fans were eager to move, they did not dare to go forward.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sighed in my heart. It’s just like a little white face with a halo. It’s really a wind! Xiaobai face, what is this doing?

The dean of the emperor and other people greeted him. After a few words, the dean of the emperor asked, "Is there something important to honor this time?"

Emperor Beibei slightly hooked the hook and looked at the corner of the cloud: "I came to pick up the Nine-Year Longevity Hall. If there is nothing, I and Xiaoji will leave."

The girls of the fans have broken their hearts. Although they have heard that Zunshang and Yunchu are a pair of children, they did not expect that they would be so infatuated to the point that even Wanli’s personally came to pick up the clouds and go to the longevity. Temple, this must be fake!

The dean of the Emperor Huang was also a slap in the heart, and it was really a flower in my heart. I did not expect that the most tortoise of Tianyuan’s mainland was actually so docile by Xiao Jiu’s head training. It was really high!

At the beginning of the cloud, there were some sorrowful gods. Hey, Xiaobai’s face really grew up, and he even came to pick her up in person. It’s really unexpected!

When Emperor Beibei saw the beginning of the cloud, he went to the front of the cloud and reached out: "Xiaojiu, let's go, go home!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I slowed down and smiled. "Look, go home!"

Everyone thinks that the scene in front of me is really a dog abuse. Are you really so good? Spiritual power is better than us. It’s better to be better than us. Is it a sweet dog for Mao? It’s too much!

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said hello to the dean of the emperor, and he waved his hand with Feng Ming and others. This time, he and the emperor sneaked into the flying spirits and set off for the Changsheng Hall.

"Men, how come you pick me up in person? Do I not pick me up every time?" Yun asked with curiosity.

"The Nether Temple, Guiyuan Yuan and Yin Family hate you, I don't trust, so I decided to pick you up in person." Emperor Beibei explained.

"It turned out to be the case, but it was strange. They didn't even have a movement. It is estimated that there is something bad about brewing. Right, male god, the dark line of the Netherland has news? Looking for a portrait of the saint and the man?"

After returning from the sky to burn the secrets, Yunchu said his suspicion and Emperor Beibei, and Emperor Beibei asked the dark line on the Netherland to find a portrait of the saint or the man. Can determine if the two are her adoptive parents.

Emperor Beibei shook his head: "The temple of the Virgin has a layer of guards, there is no way to approach the inside, and the saint of the Nether Temple has a veil all the year round. Few people have seen her appearance. This matter can not be anxious. ""

"Okay, but I think it is very likely that they are my adoptive parents. Hey, even if it is really, it is difficult to see them. If my roots are too conspicuous, I must sneak into the Netherland. Go and explore the Temple of the Virgin." Yun began to sigh and said.

(End of this chapter)

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