Chapter 1550 Why are flowers so red?

Luo Guanzhi’s heart and heart, Lan’s mother and daughter said so deliberately, isn’t it just to let them think that the lady’s little belly is intestine? It’s sinister!

However, you are too small to marry us. We are blessed by the wife of the Lord. What can you influence in three or two sentences? It is no wonder that the lady did not have a good face when she mentioned the three sisters of the Lord. The other two did not say that this one alone is not a good thing! I don't know if there is a problem with the eyes of the lord. I think this teacher is good.

After Luo Guan’s arrangement of Lan’s mother and daughter and the accompanying maid, she went to the dining hall to find the lady of the house.

Luo Guanzheng naturally does not believe what the words of Yunchu said, and then said, you do not go anywhere, why go to the dining hall? This shows that it is to go to the dining hall to eat a single food!

Sure enough, when Luo Manager arrived at the dining hall, he saw the Yunchu and the main prince sitting at the stone table and chatting with melon seeds. The tea table, tea, snacks and fruit are all available.

"Hey, I said to you, against the kind of white lotus, you have to get out of your face! Isn't she pretending to be weak, and you will scream at her and see if she breaks."

"What you said makes sense. However, when I see the monk, I will not fight one place! Where do you think so much? And your coward, it’s just a blink of an eye, no matter what, I feel The three foxes are good.” The lady of the sigh sighed. She was strictly guarded against these years. She finally isolated the connection with the three monks. I didn’t expect Chu Lingyi to come to the door again.

At the beginning of the cloud, she also felt that there was a problem with the eyes of the emperor. At this point, the white face was more worry-free. Whether it was your white lotus or black lotus, our little white face would not allow you to come close, so there would be no such trouble. thing.

At the beginning of the cloud, he coughed twice. Naturally, it was bad. He also said bad things about the emperor's cold. He said, "Hey, what do you say about the two white lotuses? What are you saying, thank you, I can. Do not believe. If I knew that the blue dust was his virtue, I said that I would not sell the purple sunflower to him."

The lady of the temple snorted: "In short, the weasel gives the chicken a New Year's greeting. It is not good! If it is not the blue family owner who is still alive, I think she is replacing my position."

"Hey, this is someone who just wants to see others, maybe she is deliberately trying to add to you, you can't be fooled! My coward is a face-lifting person, you have to change your strategy and come up with Xian Shu Da Fan, give him a face!

As for the two white lotuses, I will deal with them. Anyway, my coward is not good at how to marry me. You are waiting to watch the show. What I am best at is the hot hand to destroy the white lotus! "The beginning of the cloud swayed Erlang's leg and said with a smile."

The lady of the temple was warm in her heart. She used to think about Xiao Jiutou and Xiao Jiutou, and she must treat her as a relative and prostitute.

If the lady of the temple knows the true thoughts in the heart of the cloud, it is estimated that it is not so touched!

At the beginning of this cloud, I thought about it. What's special, the old white lotus is running on the little white face. The little white lotus is probably running towards her little white face. This is the mother who didn't take the old man. Do the prostitutes want to take the rhythm of their son? If you want to be beautiful, if you dare to hit my man's idea, I will let you know why the flower is so red!

(End of this chapter)

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