I won't jump in Chapter 1552.

In the beginning of the cloud, I gave the emperor a 10,000-point praise. Yes, it’s good. Treating this little white lotus is as cold and ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. The little white face can be more worry-free than him.

The wife of the lord looked at the emperor and looked cold, especially what is the gap between Laozi and his son? If you can be like your son, I can save more!

Lan Luoxue was smashed by the emperor in the north, and his face rose red. He stood there and hated to sneak in.

Mrs. Blue rushed to make a clearance: "Falling snow, you are a girl! I am always busy with the affairs of the Longevity Hall. How can I have the energy to accompany you? Isn’t your maid, will you sing the piano? Let her accompany you."

Lan Luo Xue nodded, and she felt a bit in her heart. She must have met her for the first time, so she treated her like this. She would let him see that she was much better than the cloud.

The sound of the piano is remembered, and the blue snow flutters. Because of her own spiritual power, the waist is very soft, and the dance is very ornamental. Even the cloud has to admit that this little white lotus dance is good, only However, if you jump and jump, how many times does it mean that Xiao Bailian secretly sends Qiu Bo?

After a quarter of an hour, the blue snow fell over and said a little shyly: "The uncle of the temple, the snow is ugly!"

The emperor took the lead to applaud, but unfortunately, except for Mrs. Lan and the maids they brought, there was no one to cooperate with. The emperor had to say: "There is no need to be self-effacing, and your dance skills must be the true biography of your mother. The dance skills of the four divisions are also famous throughout the Tianyuan continent."

"The lord of the temple praised, Xiaojiu sister, how do you think I jumped?" Blue Falling Snow looked slightly at the beginning of the cloud.

"It’s okay to jump, is there any fault in your eyes? Nothing is wrong with anything? Cramps? Beibei brother, have you noticed? Her eyes are really bad." Yun’s eyes put down the spirit in his hand and said .

Emperor Beibei nodded slightly: "Miss Blue, your eyes do have some problems, or go back to the North of the North as soon as possible to find a Langzhong look."

Lan Luo Xue almost fainted in the past, just said that he did not have a sister, not allowed her to call him Beibei brother, why does Yun Yuanyi call him so he does not object? Also, she clearly expressed her feelings to him with his eyes. He even said that her eyes are faulty? Also let her return to the North China as soon as possible? Isn't this the disguise of disguise?

Blue Falling Snow's tears of tears fell, and Mrs. Blue gave her a look, indicating that she was going back to her seat, and then said faintly: "Small nine-headed girl, you said that the dance of falling snow is generally better than jumping. Let's dance, let the snow fall for a long time."

Mrs. Lan will not dance when she is at the beginning of the cloud. Even if she jumps, she will not jump too well, so she will find it back.

The eyes of the people in the banquet room looked at the beginning of the cloud. When Emperor Beibei just wanted to make a statement, he heard Yunchu’s saying: "I won’t jump! I won’t dance and don’t delay eating and sleeping. Then I want to see. Dancing and buying a few dancers is not enough? Can I use my own jump? Do you have any money for the blue family to buy the dancers? No wonder you have been thinking about the Lingshi that the blue dust has paid me!"

The lady of the temple almost laughed out loudly. Xiaoji’s words were really too bad. It both lowered the blue snow and lowered the blue family. It was really deflated!

(End of this chapter)

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