Chapter 1555 Beauty Meter

"Small nine-headed girl, my eyes are still red, I will not accompany you after a while to apologize, let Luo Guan things go with you, your coward is a stinky face of love, you don't go to the heart." Although the Lord’s wife was fiercely arguing with the emperor, she also knew that the emperor’s cold was not an idea for Mrs. Blue, but she loved her face.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't be on the old white lotus. She just wants to stir up our chickens and dogs. We can't let her succeed. Don't be angry. If there is a saying, the bedside fights at the end of the bed." You also use the beauty to use what..."

"Shut up! Is this what you said to a little girl? I won't be able to see any broken words in the future. If I let you see it, I will burn it for you..." The lady of the house was furious.

The intestines that have been regretted at the beginning of the cloud are all green, and you are owed to the children, so that you owe them. This is good, and you will move your own feet!

When the lady of the temple was training the cloud at the beginning, the emperor went cold and came in. The emperor saw the red eyes of the lady of the house, and it was a little distressed, but it was still not in the bottom, and the cold voice said to the cloud: Xiaojiutou, you are too much yesterday! Anyway, your blue mother and falling snow **** are guests, you mean that sang said that they are dancing, and that they are ridiculously blue, so that people don’t come to Taiwan! You are now visiting. Give them apologize."

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded. "Well, you are right, I am wrong! Even if I don't like them anymore, I should take care of your face. I really make it too difficult for you to do. I really know. wrong."

"Hey! Is this your true heart? Wouldn't it be smothering me?" The Emperor said that he was sure that a bunch of fallacies and evils were waiting for him. He didn't expect to become so sensible, and felt that it was not quite normal. .

"Woodman, I really couldn't figure it out, but I just trained me for a meal. She said that as the head of a temple, face is very important.

We can do everything by closing the door, but we must give you a face in front of outsiders. I think what I said is very reasonable, so I realized my mistake, right, coward, you see me crying last night and crying all night, my eyes are swollen, you don't feel bad? You two chat slowly, I went to apologize! After the beginning of the cloud, I squinted at the lady of the temple and ran out.

The emperor didn't think that the lady of the temple would have such a reasonable feeling. She took the hand of the lady of the house: "Jinse, Xiaojiutou said it really? You really figured it out?"

The lady of the house said, I want to pass a fart! However, she also knows that Yun’s first job is for her sake, and she has to say it in disbelief: “Fei Jun, Xiao Jiutou’s right is right, I will give you face in front of outsiders.”

The emperor listened to the distracting words of the lady of the temple, and then saw the red eyes of the lady who was crying. The heart suddenly felt soft: "Jin, I have something wrong, I should not lose your temper." I don’t want to cry like this in the future. If you cry and you are broken, you will feel bad for the husband."

"Oh, it’s good to say, I think you are distressed when your four sisters are crying!" said the lady of the house, half of the coquetry, said that she was complaining.

"She cried, what hurts me? I just feel that I have some intentions in my heart! Only when you cry, this will be distressed. I was worried that you didn't sleep well last night!" Emperor Han Han sees the lady's anger, and suddenly The heart is soft and messy.

The wife of the lord sees the emperor's cold attitude, and the heart says that Xiaojiutou said that it is correct. At the crucial time, the beauty plan still has effect. It seems that it will be used frequently in the future...

Chapter VIII, dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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