Chapter 1559, Miss Nine was beaten.

Mrs. Blue looked at the back of the cloud and the back of the Luo Guan, the gas almost fainted, and quickly asked the blue snow: "falling snow, are you okay? Let's go see your uncle, so that you don't have to be the first one." The wicked man complained first."

The clothes on the blue and snowy body were soaked in sweat, and screamed and said: "Mother, I want to die! I really want to die!"

Mrs. Blue realized that Lan Lan Xue was not acting, and quickly took the pulse, but she did not find anything wrong. Although the cloud was not light, it did not cause any substantial damage to the internal organs. It was just a flesh wound: "Falling snow, is there nothing wrong with you?"

"Mother, what I said is true. I don't have a place on my body that doesn't hurt. I want to die! Mother, it must be the poison that the monk gave me. I will take me to the owner. uncle."

Mrs. Blue saw the blue snow and said so, suddenly anxious, and quickly let the two maids use the soft couch to carry the blue snow to the living room.

When the two emperors of the Emperor Han and the Emperor of the Temple eliminated the "misunderstanding" when they were sweet, a maid reported outside: "The lord, madam, Miss Nine was beaten by Mrs. Blue and was crying in the living room!"

"What? The monk actually dared to play Xiaojiu?" The lady of the temple suddenly became angry, and she suddenly stood up.

The Emperor Xiao Han said with a slight disappointment: "Jinse! Pay attention to your words, words are so rough, what is the system?! Things have not been investigated clearly, don't make a conclusion, the four teachers have always been reasonable, how can they play Xiaojiu?"

The lady of the lord sighed straight, but when she remembered the hustle and bustle of the cloud, she said coldly: "Take it to see what is going on. The ugly words are in the front. If it is really your good sister, I played Xiaojiu. I won't be polite to her."

The emperor slammed for a moment and then said: "Small ninety one is naughty, and surely she is in the middle of noisy, the sister is an elder, how can it be done on Xiaojiu? Let's see what is going on."

The two had not yet reached the entrance of the living room, and they saw a lot of people gathered outside. They saw the emperor and the lady of the temple came over and said: "The lord, the wife of the lord, although there are some words we should not say, but The blue lady is too much! Miss Nine is obviously going to apologize. She is chasing after Miss Nine. If it is not a bargain, Miss Nine may not be killed!"

"That is, we all heard the screams of Miss Nine, and I saw that Miss Nine was very embarrassed and escaped from the guest house. The Blue Lady is too much."

"Yeah, Miss Nine is so sincere and sincere to apologize, she almost died. It’s so pitiful! Miss Nine is crying out!"


The lady of the temple is furious: "Chu Lingqi is really deceiving too much! Fujun, do you still want to defend her?"

"Jinse, don't worry, let's go and see the situation of Xiaojiutoutou, and then discuss what to do." The Emperor Han was unbelievable in his heart, but I heard so many people said so, and immediately believed a few points. My heart is very unhappy, the four sisters, even if the little nine-headed girl is not right, she is also your younger generation, you actually want to kill her? It’s too much!

Although the wife of the lord hated not to go to the blue lady to settle accounts, she was even more worried about the beginning of the cloud, so she rushed into the living room, and saw that the cloud was sitting in the first place and crying. The crying was called a pitiful, angry. If you don't take it off, it seems to be fainting at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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