Chapter 1564 Soft Nail

At the beginning of the cloud, I said faintly: "The Lord, I did not poison the blue falling snow, where is the antidote?"

The emperor's cold face is even more gloomy: "Small nine-headed, it's a matter of life, don't mess around, and quickly hand over the antidote, or else..."

"The Lord of the House, or else you will make me force me?" The cloud was so cold that she could easily expose the little tricks of Lan's mother and daughter, but she felt that the Emperor was cold and self-righteous and loved her face. In the morning and evening, all the stinking problems will be problematic. If this is the case, then the unrest factor will be directly killed in the bud.

The Emperor 凛 凛 云 云 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖You let her hand over the antidote!"

Emperor Beibei said coldly: "Father, Xiaojiu said that there is no poison, that is, there is no poison. Moreover, Xu has not yet reached a conclusion. Is it that the thing is poisoned, do you believe it? Your usual judgment and caution Where have you been?"

The emperor was stunned by the emperor's cold. "Good! Good! You are a villain! I will let you convinced! Xu Chang, you said, is the snow-covered steamed head poisoned?"

Xu Chang Lao cautiously looked at the emperor and looked cold. This said: "The lord, Miss Blue has only suffered some minor trauma, and has not suffered internal injuries or poisoning."

"You are nonsense! I have to faint in my pain, how can I not be poisoned? And after the first kick of the cloud kicked my feet, I can't move or talk. This is not poisoning. What is it? The uncle of the temple, This person must have been threatened by respect, so he blinked his eyes." Blue Snow pointed to the angry expression of Elder Xu.

The emperor’s cold face looked gloomy to Xu’s elder: “Xu Elder, this is not the same thing, if you dare to bully me, hehe!”

Xu Changchang smiled bitterly: "The lord, since you don't trust me so much, I will retreat to study the technique of alchemy in the future, and the matter of future consultation will be handed over to other elders."

At the beginning of the cloud, I gave Xu Changsao a hundred and twenty praises. This old man is hard enough, and this soft nail is stubborn and stubborn! That!

The emperor 凛 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果 果

With the voice of the emperor chilling, a dark guard came in and took out the token of the emperor's cold.

At the beginning of the cloud, he snorted in the dark, and the white face and the level of his name were not sloppy. The dark wind was still okay. What kind of ghost is this cold wind? It is better to call the northwest wind!

When Lan’s mother and daughter saw the emperor’s cold, she was so angry that her heart was very proud. As long as the crime was committed, the cloud was not only escorted out of the Changsheng Hall, but also wanted to enter the Changsheng Temple again. The Lord would not agree with her and respect. The marriage, this monk is over!

The lady of the temple is eager to hit the wall, how can this thing get bigger and bigger? Qu Chang has retired alchemy all the year round. If it is not a very big thing, he will not be alarmed. The cold is actually calling him. Is this ironhearted to convict Xiao Jiutou?

The lady of the house is worried, and there is still some sorrow in her heart. Is this the husband she has always admired? In his heart, face is so important? For the sake of face, I ignore the feelings of my loved ones? Do you not trust your subordinates for the sake of your face?

(End of this chapter)

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