Chapter 1571 is still called a coward.

The lady of the temple said that the nose was sour and the eyes were reddish. The reason why she secretly practiced embroidering was that she had always said that the emperor had said that the second sister’s embroidered skills were superb. Unfortunately, she was not embroidered. It has been sneak peek for more than 20 years, or this level.

The emperor snorted and bit his teeth: "Well, do it, I will take it when I am done. Jinse, this time, yes, I am wrong, I should not be indiscriminate." You shouldn’t be wronged for the face."

The lady of the temple sneered aloud: "Are you wrong? Your dear master will be wrong? Your four sisters are gentle and kind, even her daughters are cute and lovely. Our little nine-headed girl is a wild donkey, naturally. It’s the fault of Xiaojiutou!”

The emperor's cold face is red: "Jinse, I am unclear, I did not expect the four sisters to become like this."

"Become like this? She has always been like this! I thought she had framed me countless times, but I was lucky to have no luck! It seems that you still don't want to understand, you go out, I have to go to bed!" The Lord’s wife said that she had lost her embroidered cloth.

The Emperor said: "She has framed you many times? Why have you never told me?"

The lady of the temple could not help but smile: "I didn't tell you? You don't believe it! Besides, there are two other helpers. Where do you believe me?! I sometimes wonder, I don't know if I am lucky or not. Fortunately, they were so framed that they even married you."

"Jin, what are you talking about?! Do you regret marrying me? Are you still thinking about the idiots that originally pursued you?"

"Imperial cold! People pursue me wrong? How come you become an idiot in your mouth? Forget it! I won't argue with you, let's calm down for a while!" said the lady of the house with a cold face.

The Emperor Han Han said that the lady of the temple directly pushed him out and locked the door inside.

The emperor’s chilly straight bite has just eased, and how has it become like this? Where did he say it wrong?

In the next two days, although the emperor was cold and flattering every night, the lady of the temple was always frosty, and she did not even talk to the emperor.

The emperor has no cold! Biting his teeth, licking his old face to find the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the emperor’s cold coming. The guest was gracious and respectful and said: “The Lord, I don’t know what you are doing when you come here?”

The emperor’s face was red, and he said: “That, that, Xiaojiutou, what is the master of the temple, or a coward!”

"Women? My coward will not blame me indiscriminately, my coward will not drive me out, my coward will not say that I am a vicious person!" Yun said with a grin.

"Small nine hoes, that, that, the day's thing is the coward is wrong, the coward can't hold you!" The emperor's cold face was red, and he couldn't find a piece to sneak into it.

"The lord of the temple, this apology is not to say two words. I have never suffered such a big grievance. My young mind has suffered from inhuman destruction. I have been dreaming every night, every day. If you can't eat well, you don't have a good look!" Yun said with a sigh.

The emperor looked at the red light, the clouds and the clouds, and the epiphany, this little rogue is to marry him!

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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