Chapter 1590 Mastering Ceremony

There were no abnormalities in Chu’s appearance, and the slate was re-covered and left in anger.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t dare to move. Who knows if Chu will come back to the carbine.

After a while, the cloud was only carefully approaching the head, and the mouth was breathing fresh air, which is the person who cultivated. If the ordinary person, the air fainted.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t dare to act rashly. I decided to stay in the well. When it was tomorrow, it was the time of the engagement ceremony. She waited until the afternoon to go out. When they were eating and drinking, she was better mixed in.

Therefore, this cargo does not care about the dirty smell of mud, and it is hard to get stuck in the mud.

Chu Yu looked for a big circle and didn't find the beginning of the cloud. The gas was enough, but Qin Yixiao also arranged other things for him. He had to put aside the things that were looking for the cloud, but she could not escape anyway. Return to Yunzong, wait until the end of the big thing and then find her to settle accounts.

On the second day, Guiyuan was very lively. Many guests arrived in the town near Yuanyuanzong in advance. They arrived in Yuanzong this morning.

Since there were so many people coming, the ceremony was arranged on a large square in Guiyuan, where a round table for the ceremony was set up.

The arriving guests have been seated according to their status. The Tianyuan mainland has almost all the faces and faces. After all, the status of both parents is quite high, and those who receive the invitations must give face.

The kinship ceremony began in an orderly manner. The only violation was that Qin Mingzhu did not smile at all. Anyone could see that it was unwilling to be unwilling.

Yin Xuecheng hated in the heart, swearing, all of them are sleeping by Lao Tzu. This dead face, you wait, waiting for you to enter our Yin family in the future, see how I can clean you up.

After half an hour, the ceremony was completed. Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua simply said a few words and the banquet began.

Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua, Yin Qingbo and others frequently toasted to the Emperor Han and others, and the Emperor Han and others were not too ridiculous, and then it was just to use the spiritual power to solve the problem of alcoholism. Moreover, this is in Yuanzong. There is no danger.

So for a while, the crowds and the intertwined, the host and the guest are full of joy, a lively scene.

Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua and others, but there is a bit of treacherous color in the eyes.

After drinking more than ten dishes, many people are ready to get up and leave. What I never imagined is that there are many Yinjia guards and Yuan Yuanzong disciples around the square.

Qin Yixiao said coldly: "When you come, since you are here, don't rush back. I will stay in Yuanzong for a few more days! Rest assured, we must return to the Yuanzong to have a good wine and good food."

"Qin Yixiao, what do you mean?" asked Wang Yao’s Baili Qingtian unpleasant.

"The literal meaning, you don't want to leave today!" Yin Qinghua stood next to Qin Yixiao and sneered again and again.

The emperor squats and frowns: "Qin palm, Yin Jiazhu, there are things we can discuss, why do we have to do this, and then, with your disciples can stop us so many people?"

"Good discussion? The emperor is cold, when your Changsheng Hall forced us to give up one tenth of the Lingshi mine share, why don't you discuss it with us? Tell you the truth, don't want to leave today!" Yin Qinghua is crazy. Said.

The Emperor said coldly and faintly: "Let's see if you can stop us!"

When the Emperor chilled and talked, he gave the Bailiqing Angel a look. The two went straight to Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua. The thief first smashed the king and took the two men. Those men were not afraid.

The third is more. Too sleepy, the remaining five chapters will be updated during the day and will be added to the next chapter. Good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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