Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1592: Once again became a fish in the net

Chapter 1592 has once again become a fish in the net

At this time, hundreds of black people came again, wearing the costumes of the Nether Temple. The headed man slammed Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua: "Qin Palm, Yin Jiazhu, it seems that we are right away. You're all done! Just grab these people and we can break them down one by one."

"Zhao Hufa, this is thanks to the Ning Huangquan scattered by you. The old man of Baili Qingtian has always been a drug king. I didn't expect it to be so easy. It really makes people smile!" Yin Qingbo said proudly.

The color of the weather in Bailiqing rose red. Although the last time the Changsheng Temple was attacked, Emperor Han Han gave him some research on the secluded Huangquan, but after so long, he did not study the method of cracking.

"It is estimated that after a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power of these people will be dissipated, and after they are all captured, they will be banned from their spiritual power, and they will be given a splinter, and our people will take care of them." There was a hint of blackmail inside, apparently preventing Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua from doing things.

Although Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua were somewhat dissatisfied, they had to agree. After all, it is a stage of cooperation, and it is not easy to tear the face.

"The people they brought are also controlled? Those people will be handed over to you." Zhao Hufa said.

"Reassure, one can't run! Zhao Hufa, these people have now become the shackles of the shackles, the phonological array can be withdrawn? So we can communicate with the outside world." Yin Qinghua asked.

Zhao Hufa nodded. "When you catch them all, you can withdraw them. Qin Zhangmen, you will not have problems with the disciples and descendants of Yuanzong?"

Qin Yi smiled and said: "Zhao Hufa, although assured, even if they give them a hundred courage, they dare not betray us to return to Yuanzong."


No one noticed that there was a person on the roof of a house not far from the square. The man’s face was covered with a veil, and his eyes were swaying. It was the beginning of the cloud that had just climbed out of the dry well. .

It took a long time since the beginning of the cloud, but the goods overslept, so it was half an hour later than the planned time.

After the dry well, she did not use the hidden character, and swayed to the square, because the goods were very certain, Chu Yu must be busy, can not catch her, and even if the face is broken, there is the emperor She is not afraid.

However, after walking for a while, she found that something was wrong. There was no one on the road. It is reasonable to say that even if it is very busy, there should be no people. Is there any abnormality?

Thinking of this, the beginning of the cloud immediately inspired the hidden character, and the hidden ring on the hand was taken down, carefully walking toward the square.

Far away, I saw a large group of people, and there was a loud noise. At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes and went around the back of a house and sneaked into the roof and carefully peeped.

Although I was a little far away, I couldn’t understand what I was talking about, but Yunchu quickly judged what happened, and then the association’s voice failed, and the courtyard where Chu had entered, I guessed it. Eight out of ten.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect that Guiyuan and Yin’s family had colluded with the Nether Temple, which was stupid enough! The Nether Temple is just using them. Once they have a foothold, they will definitely kill them. This is to seek skin with the tiger.

However, how to solve the current predicament?

(End of this chapter)

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