Chapter 1602

"Hey, is the IQ online? I thought you didn't have a brain!" Yun said with sarcasm.

Zhao Zhifa’s straight pumping is not my brain’s bad work. I have never encountered a pervert that you did not follow the common sense!

"Let's do it, let's make a sale, change one, I can put you down, you have to release one of our hostages, you discuss it, who will you let it go?" Yun said with a smile.

Zhao Hufa’s heart is a joy, this cloud is really clever, and as long as he is put out, he can use other hostages to force her to submit, so he said: “Yes! I used the Yang Yangzong’s Mi Zhangmen. Let's go!"

Zhao Hufa deliberately picked a less important hostage. I didn't expect Yunchu to be very happy. He said, "Yes, you can untie the ropes on his body. I will also untie the ropes on your body and then release them. ""

Those in the Nether Temple naturally want to listen to Zhao Hufa, see Zhao Hufa’s consent, and quickly untied the ropes of Luoyang Zongmi’s head.

The two sides also counted three at the same time and began to exchange hostages.

The attention of the people in the Temple of the Nether was placed on Zhao Hufa and Mi Mumen. They were afraid that the clouds would be used for the hands and feet. They did not find that the small mushroom had disappeared.

There have been cluttered footsteps in the distance. Apparently Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua have come with people. The people in the Nether Temple are more proud. When the reinforcements arrive, these people are even more dead, although some are thrilling, but they are just false alarms. One.

Just as Zhao Hufa and Mi's head passed by, the cloud suddenly jumped up and confronted Zhao Huifa as several spiritual pigs.

Zhao Hufa felt that there was spiritual fluctuation behind him, and he quickly ignited the defensive hood, and it was a palm in the beginning of the cloud: "Smelly girl! You are not keeping your credit, you are not afraid that I will kill those hostages?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed and threw out a few things. The people in the Temple of the Nether had not seen what it was. There were several people who guarded the hostages and were entangled in the hyphae of the small mushrooms.

At this time, they also saw that the first few clouds were thrown out by the cloud, and those people were first smashed. Aren't the fine irons used to defend when they escape? What do you do with the five crickets at the beginning of the cloud?

"One, two, three, four, five, protect the hostages, the people behind do not lie, on, can kill a few kill a few!" Yunchu said while attacking Zhao Hufa, although she did not have spiritual power Zhao Hufa is high, but there are some defensive artifacts on this cargo. It is okay to attack and defend.

Those dark guards had long been screaming, and the orders that heard the beginning of the cloud suddenly rushed up and smothered the people of the Nether Temple.

Zhao Hufa is worried about the hostages. If there are no hostages, this action is equivalent to white play, yelling at everyone: "watch the hostages! Watch the hostages!"

The people of the Nether Temple naturally know that the hostage is the most important, but one person was killed by a small mushroom. Second, the black mouse bit the rope on the hostage. Although the spirit of the emperor and the cold did not recover, The body is still there, and he can barely support it for a while.

The main thing is that the five fine irons are too abnormal. They are not afraid of the attack of the Nether Temple, and cover the hostages to retreat to the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I simply took out a lot of antidote to the devouring spirit, and throw it at the emperor and other people: "coward, antidote!"

(End of this chapter)

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