Chapter 1604 Smart Potential Stocks

At the beginning of the cloud, people who feel that the Temple of the Nether have definitely had any big tricks, but the radicals are not good enough, and they can only wait and see.

The first time of the cloud and the passage of the emperor's ditch have just passed, and it takes at least half a day for the emperor and the bloodless to reach the Yuanzong, so it is necessary to delay the time.

Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua naturally took this into consideration. They had to make quick decisions, so they waved their hands and ordered the attack.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled coldly: "Small, give me a blow! I have a burst here, and they are all killed for me!"

Emperor Han Han and others can not care about the adjustment of interest, spread out, and help those who guard the guards around the hospital.

With the attack of the burst and the emperor, the first wave of attacks by Yuan Yuanzong and Yin Jia was stopped.

Yin Qinghua smiled and said: "Continue to attack! I don't believe that the bursts on them are not only used!"

"I can't help it! There are hundreds of thousands of bursts on my grandmother!" Yun said that it was not true, but there was just a batch of bursts to be sent to Lei Zong. Against the enemy.

Although Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua don't believe that there are so many bursts in the beginning of the cloud, but seeing the beginning of the cloud, the bursting of the cracks is always flowing, and it is also the gas of the straight bite. This stinky head has nothing to do with so many symbols. ! Really hateful!

The second wave of attacks by Yuan Yuanzong and Yin Jia was also stopped. Qin Yixiao just wanted to attack the third wave immediately. The fire in the distance was so bright that there were several places that were on fire!

Qin Yi smiled and saw that the fire was actually a library building, a warehouse and a living room. An urgent slap in the face: "Drop half of the people and hurry to save the fire! How can this good end cause fire?"

The beginning of the cloud is also wondering, although she sent the little black mouse out, but just let it find ways to destroy the eyes, who is this fire?

At the beginning of the cloud, suddenly my heart was a move. Is it the potential stock I invested in? In all likelihood, it is Ziheng, this kid is still very clever! Know that Wei Wei saved Zhao, but don't be caught! You are my future money tree and mascot, don't be so dead!

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes and said loudly: "The disciples of Yuan Yuanzong, as well as the disciples of the Yin family, listen. You are all people from Tianyuan. You follow Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua to help you. You will not struggle in your heart. ?

Your relatives and friends are all in the Yuanyuan continent. Once we all die, if the Nether Temple captures the Tianyuan continent, do you think they will keep their promises? You are all dead end in the end!

Do you know why it is on fire? This is God is warning you! If you are still stubborn, maybe God will drop the thunder and you! ”

Sure enough, after listening to the beginning of the cloud, the disciples of Yuan Yuanzong and Yin Jia had slight commotion. They naturally did not want to do this from the bottom of their hearts. They just obeyed the above arrangement!

Qin Mingzhu immediately said: "Don't listen to the clouds and talk nonsense! Good men and children are in the Quartet. As long as they kill them, the forces that we return to Yuanzong and Yinjia will expand infinitely. At that time, you will all be able to fly. Money and power, are you afraid of taking care of your loved ones and friends?"

Those people listened to Qin Mingzhu’s saying that there were some shaken thoughts that were inclined to the side of the Nether Temple. Missy is right, as long as we have the right to have money and control their conscience!

At the beginning of the cloud, my eyes are deep, oh, and I am better than my mouth? Little scum, see how I have fooled these people today!

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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