Chapter 1606, Qin Yixiao's Killer

An elder of Guiyuanzong’s heart screamed and shouted: “It’s true that Yun’s first time is said! We are all people in Tianyuan’s mainland. Why do we have to collude with the people in the Nether Temple? We can’t continue to go wrong and kill. They are, we are still upright! Otherwise we will not be able to lift our heads in the future!"

An elder of Yin’s side branch also echoed and said: “Yes, we can’t help you, kill the people in the temple!”

The reason why these two people stood up was naturally selfish. They had already taken the position of the head (homeowner). After listening to the words of Yunchu, they just had a bit of temptation. Just kill Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua. They will be able to go up.

The two elders said that there were some people who were not willing to collude with the Nether Temple. They suddenly followed the quarrel. People had a herd mentality. Many people who were uncertain about their minds decided to fight against the water!

Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua gnawed their teeth and shouted: "Don't be confused. As long as we seize these hostages, the emperor and the bloodless are unable to attack. Don't forget, we still have a large group of guardians!"

Now, the group is full of excitement, where to listen to them, and the emperor and other people look at the timing, have already rushed out of the yard, went straight to Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua.

The two sides have been fighting together. However, the situation has completely reversed. Although Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua still have some ties, the cloud has already taken the upper hand.

At this moment, Zhao Hufa sighed: "Blood sacrifice!"

Hundreds of people in the Nether Temple almost bit the index finger at the same time. Although some people’s jealousy was interrupted, most people still completed the embarrassment. As their jealousy ended, they began to use the power of the Nether. attack.

The situation was once again reversed. The spiritual attack of the Tianyuan Continental monk could not resist the power of the Nether. However, once it was attacked by the power of the Nether, it suddenly became cold and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

"Don't attack them with spiritual power, attack them directly with the spirit!" shouted at the beginning of the cloud.

The people reacted to this, and they rushed out of the spirits to attack. Although the power of the attack of the spirits did not have much physical power, but there were many people on the Tianyuan mainland, it also blocked the counterattack of the Nether Temple.

The two sides were deadlocked for a while, but on the whole, Tianyuan’s mainland was dominant, and the early cloud had already caused the emperor to take the people to destroy the eyes. After the destruction of the eyes, the emperor’s and the bloodless reinforcements arrived, the temple of the Nether. Even if people have the power of the Nether, they will lose.

"Oh, it’s all this time, you don’t hide it, let it out! These people are damned!" Qin Mingzhu’s face was stunned, and the plan that had never been lost was destroyed by Yun’s first monk. It’s **** it!

Qin Yixiao hesitated for a moment, then bite his teeth, under the cover of the shackles, began to seal, a sly animal head appeared in the air.

Bloody suddenly exclaimed: "Qin Yixiao, are you crazy?"

The elders of Yuan Yuanzong were also shocked: "Qin Yixiao, are you going to ruin the Yuanzong?"

Qin Yixiao's eyes are red, and he laughs awkwardly: "This is what you forced me. This is not to mention the Yuanzong. If you kill all of you, I can build a super martial art! You all listen to me, think. If you are alive, you will surrender immediately, or you will not be able to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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