Chapter 1613 geese plucking hair

Yin family is also angry, Yin Qinghua and Yin Qingbo's storage ring is also missing!

Several elders of Yuan Yuanzong and Yin Jia suddenly accused each other, and they all suspected that the other party had messed up the ring and almost hit it.

So where is the ring for four people?

The cough, naturally, was taken away by the geese that had been plucked from the beginning of the cloud! Others were smothering there, but the goods covered the black rat and took away the ring of Qin Yixiao and others. The goods were very strong and strong. She solved the disaster of Tianyuan mainland this time. It is understandable to take such a reward.

The goods were poked and looked at the things inside the ring. The mouth of the music could not be closed, and it was rich!

Qin Yixiao and Yin Qinghua are both suspicious masters, so good things are naturally carried around, so there are many good things in this storage ring.

"Little nine sister, what are you laughing at?" Blood asked innocently curious.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "The crisis is lifted, naturally it is happy!"

The emperor’s heart was in the heart, but he guessed that he was not far from the ten. Xiaojiu definitely got good things again. But what is the balance of the child? Old acquaintance? Where did she come from?

Since Tianyuan College had to start school in a few days, Yunchuyi decided to return directly to Tianyuan College. Although Emperor Beibei was reluctant, it was not easy to stop.

"Male god, Sun Zizi and Ziheng will go back to Changsheng Temple with you for a while. Sun Zizi's pasta is good, she can go to the dining hall. As for Ziheng, you can arrange it! Their mother and son helped me a lot. You have to take care of them for me." Yunchu said to Emperor Beibei.

Emperor Beibei nodded. "Xiaojiu, the dark line over the Nether Temple has made some progress. After a while, you should be able to get the portrait of the saint and the man. I will come to you when I arrive."

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with surprise: "Really? Great! I think that in all likelihood, it is my adoptive parents. After we first make sure, let us study how to save people."


The two talked for a while, and they only said goodbye.

Blood is infinitely stunned: "Small nine sister, I escorted you back to Tianyuan College."

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at him suspiciously: "Wuji brother, how do I feel that your drunkenness is not in the wine? I am following the imperial dean, what danger can they go back?"

The bloodless eyes blinked for a moment, revealing a grievance: "How can you misunderstand my kindness?" My brother is so sad!"

"Well, I am wrong! Let's go! Depart!" The cloud slammed his mouth, and the black-eyed head must have something to glare at me. However, since he did not say it, I was too lazy to ask, and he would not harm me anyway. .

A few days later, everyone returned to Tianyuan College.

Blood Promise wandered around Tianyuan College, and then borrowed the lead, and the cloud snorted and didn't pay attention to him.

Blood is endless with a dark flower to the house of Wudi City. Several dark guards appeared and fell to the ground.

Blood infinitely biting his teeth and asked: "Is there still no news of that woman? Did she not come back?"

"Less Lord, we almost rummaged through the innocent city, and there was no news of the woman, and we also searched in the surrounding city, and there is no clue."

"A group of waste! Where can a person without spiritual power go? Give me the continuation! If you can't find someone within half a year, you don't have to come back to see me!" said the bloodless anger.

(End of this chapter)

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