Chapter 1619, the world of looking faces

The temperament of Yunchu’s body suddenly changed, and a fairy fan who did not eat human fireworks came out, however...

"Xiaojiu, this is what my mother asked the dining hall to do for you. How do you taste it?" Emperor Beibei put the peeled shrimp in front of the cloud.

This product did not use chopsticks. He took a few shrimps and threw them into his mouth. He suddenly said with a smile: "It's so delicious, it hurts me."

Emperor Beibei hooked the corner of the mouth, still quietly helping the cloud to peel the shrimp.

The blue dust looks at the interaction of two people, and the suffocation in the heart continues to rise, and the whole person becomes somewhat gloomy.

However, in just one moment, he resumed the cold look, and the micro-band provocatively said to Emperor Beibei: "Respect, I heard that a few days ago, Xiaoji relied on his own efforts to resolve a disaster, no Do you know where you are at the time?"

The emperor's eyes are deep and deep, and he naturally knows the meaning of the blue falling dust to ask these words. It is nothing more than to say that he is useless to protect the cloud.

Emperor Beibei said: "Xiaojiu has repeatedly fallen into danger, but I can't do anything. I admit that I am really weak. However, I will try to become stronger and stronger enough to protect Xiaoji from a little bit of damage. ""

The blue dust never imagined that Emperor Beibei was so arrogant to admit that he was weak, not to say that the character of Emperor Beibei was cold and proud?

The cloud is so fine, it naturally hears the subtext of two people, and I am happy: "I believe that the male **** will become more and more powerful, and I will become more and more powerful. The cultivation is always difficult, I How can you become stronger without experiencing some hardships? Don’t say this, the dishes are cold, hurry and eat!"

Emperor Beibei and Lan Luochen saw the idea of ​​switching to the topic at the beginning of the cloud, and it was not good to continue. Moreover, the blue dust was also caught by the admittance of Emperor Beibei, and the prepared words were not useful.

Emperor Beibei and Blue Drops symbolically ate a few mouthfuls. At the beginning of the cloud, they were eating their eyebrows. When they left, they also packed the leftovers.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took the arm of Emperor Beibei and left the drunken building. The blue and cold looked coldly at the back of the two people and turned away.

Yunchu and Emperor Beibei strolled on the street for a while, and harvested the envy of countless fans, the heart of the cloud, the world of this evil face!

Doesn't Xiaobai's face look good? Isn't it good? Isn't it temperamental? Isn't it already eight layers of spirit? Don't you have a lot of money at home? Isn't that a few small advantages? Are you drooling like a dog like a bone?

At the beginning of the cloud, he turned his eyes and he kissed him on the face of Emperor Beibei. Then he showed up to the fans. The clouds seemed to hear the heartbreaking voice. This is the balance of the goods. Hey, from another angle, the performance of these people illustrates a problem, that is, my vision is good enough!

The two sweetly returned to the Changfeng Inn, and the shopkeeper gave the two people to the room with respect and respect, and made people have tea and snacks.

The two were naturally lingering, and the emperor of the North said to the beginning of the cloud: "Xiao Jiu, the words I said before in the drunk fairy building are my real thoughts. You have been in distress, but I can't do anything, I am very It’s self-blame, I’m still too weak.”

At the beginning of the cloud, I fell down and said: "Men, there were outsiders, so I didn't say much, now I have to talk about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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