Chapter 1629, face

When the folks listened to Jinzhi, they couldn’t help but hesitate. These rouge gouaches together need at least tens of thousands of Netherstones. Can the girl wear it and can it be taken out?

Kim’s movements on the hands of the buddy became slower, and the contemptuous look at the beginning of the cloud: “Ugly, you think that this is where you can come? Can you afford it? If you say it, it’s your ugly look. Is it good to use such a rouge gouache?"

At the beginning of the cloud, she still didn't pay attention to her, but said to the buddy: "Although you are on the bag, this lady is not bad."

The guy thought, big deal is to be busy, in case the girl really has money, this is a big deal, so he has wrapped up a few things that the cloud has wanted.

After the guy wrapped up the good things, he said to Yunchu: "This lady, please come with me to check out."

Mr. Accountant quickly calculated the price: "This lady, a total of 12,500 pieces of Netherstone."

The golden branch is full of pride: "Install it, see how you dress this time!"

The other girls are also the expression of gloating, this poor girl must not be able to get so many Netherstone, see what she does.

The buddy is also looking at the beginning of the cloud, and all kinds of hearts are asking God to worship Buddha. I hope that the cloud can buy it at the beginning.

The beginning of the cloud wrinkled and frowned: "More than 10,000 pieces of Netherstone? Are you wrong?"

Jin Zhi suddenly laughed and said: "Cut! Do you think this is the broken shop in your country? The things here are of course very expensive. People, you have a self-knowledge, obviously a poor ghost, even dare to come to Xiangxuezhai, really take it. Its shame."

The other girls also sneered out loudly, and the words were nothing more than ridicule.

The guy sighed with a grin and was really busy.

I didn’t expect Yunchu to say: “I thought that Xiangxuezhai’s things were very expensive. I didn’t expect it to be so affordable. I will transfer the Netherstone to you now!”

After the beginning of the cloud, he transferred the Netherstone to the accountant. Mr. Account’s old face suddenly smiled like a flower: “Thank you for the lady’s patronage! Hill, quickly hand over the things to the lady, send them out. ""

The buddy is also turning a worries and joy, and diligently handing over the big bag to the beginning of the cloud: "This lady, welcome to come back later, you go slowly."

"This hundred secluded stone is to reward you, the girl I am the most lacking is the money." Yun early rewarded the guys a hundred Nether stone tip, and then sneaked out of the Xiang Xuezhai, the whole sentence did not have a sentence Jin Zhi said.

The golden branch was full of red, but the cloud did not say anything, but this face was hit by the sound of the mountain. She hated to find a place to sneak in.

Although the buddy and the accountant did not say anything, Jin Zhi felt that they were laughing at her, hateful: "Do not buy, let us go!"

The other girls also felt that they had no face, and they followed Xiang Jinzhai with Jin Zhi, and there were many discussions.

"I didn't expect that ugly eight strange people actually have so many Netherstones, really hateful!"

"Yes, but I guess she is also a swollen face full of fat, maybe just a little bit of Netherstone in order to fight with us."

"Look, isn't that ugly in Jinxiu Xuan? She went to buy clothes again! The clothes of Jinxiu Xuan are not cheap. Does she still have money?" said a girl pointing at a shop not far away. .

(End of this chapter)

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