Chapter 1648

The people in the group of the wood group were all criticized by Qi Qi, and they were a little embarrassed in their hearts. They did not play very well. After returning to the original place, they looked at each other with a sly look.

"The action is stiff, the charm is not enough, and it is barely qualified." Qi Yan said coldly.

The four people in the group of wood were relieved, but fortunately, okay, anyway, it would be fine.

The Water Group and the Tuzhi Group also barely passed the test, but they also suffered from the unrequited comments.

Everyone has passed the customs, and they have a mood to watch the excitement. They can almost conclude that Qi Qi is so harsh, and the four people in the group will definitely be eliminated.

Zhao Wei also thinks this way. It is a pity that the four people in the group are simple, obedient, and have a little cleverness. It is a good candidate. It is just that this etiquette is too bad. I am afraid it will be eliminated.

"The group of soil, start testing." As the frost said loudly.

In the late night, the three people slammed the fists slightly, and then, according to Yunchu, said that they would substitute themselves into the role of the saint, and gently move the lotus steps, slowly...

The other four groups of girls are stunned!

Such as frost, Ruyi and Zhao Wei also stunned!

How is this possible?

Yesterday, these four people are still humble, how are they now step by step, and they are in a state of mind? Not to mention that the pass is unqualified. These four people have at least reached the seventy percent of the charm of the saint, which is really incredible!

Qi Yan’s eyes showed a satisfactory look. When the four people finished the test, he said, “Yes! These four talents have learned the essence of etiquette. Unlike you, you only learned the fur. Zhao Wei, you put them. Teach very well."

Although Zhao Wei still hasn't figured out what's going on, it's good to be able to get the praise above. It's a few words to resign, and this is why he left the yard.

After Zhao Wei sent him away, he returned and said in a cold voice: "I hope that after this incident, you will put the arrogance on me, don't think that you have anything great! Anyone here is equal opportunity! Although the four people in the group were born at the lowest level, they have worked hard, so they have the best performance today. I hope that you will all learn from the group."

The girls hated the four people of the Tuzhi group. They knew that they were so good, and they pretended to be like no. Is it to play with them? It is really **** good! You are waiting! Can't spare you!

"The previous four days are just a basic test for you. Starting from today, it is the main assessment content of the second round of testing." Zhao said.

When everyone heard it, they immediately mentioned the spirit. What is the content of this second round?

"As we all know, the reason why our Netherland is called the Netherland is because of the power of the Nether. Not everyone on our Netherland can have the power of the Nether, but the Holy Ghost of the Nether Temple is best able to cultivate the power of the Nether. .

Therefore, I will teach you how to cultivate the power of Nether, and the content of the second round of assessment is related to the power of Nether.

I know that some of you have mastered the power of Nether, but hope that today's things can make you take the lead, if you are arrogant, the final result can only be eliminated! I say this, and now I will teach you the principles and meditation of your cultivation. Zhao Wei said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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