Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1653: Luck is also a kind of strength

Chapter 1653 Luck is also a kind of strength

Everyone couldn’t hear what Yunchu said, and thought that she was in a normal embarrassment. I couldn’t help but scream. At the beginning of the forest, I couldn’t master the power of the Nether, but I went up to join in the fun. This group of soil has no hope of winning at all, just a waste of time.

When the ink was late in the evening, I was afraid that the moths would be made again. When I was preparing to signal that Lu Qin and Zhou Yinghan had finished the test, they were shocked by a loud noise.

With a bang, the ball of the test burst!

All the people were stunned by this sudden change. The ball used for this test can withstand tens of thousands of attacks. How could it suddenly burst?

When everyone was stunned, I heard someone excited and said: "Ha ha ha! We are the first! We passed the test!"

When everyone saw it, it was the beginning of Lin’s early days that the singer’s sorrow was in the early days of the forest. Didn’t this forest begin to be scared and crazy?

Are they the first?

Dreaming? Eight hundred of the attack power still think of the first place? It’s the last one, it’s good!

In the late night, I remembered the behavior of the cloud before the beginning of the cloud. My heart said, it’s over, I must have tried to pass the test at the beginning, so this brain has some problems, so I went to the cloud and said: "In the beginning, we We are eliminated, go on!"

At the beginning of the cloud, pointing to the display, excitedly said: "Last night, our values ​​have soared to one million, how can we be eliminated? We are the first!"

The ink was late in the evening, looking in the direction of the fingers of the cloud, the number displayed on the display turned out to be one million...

Everyone looked up at the display at this time, and saw that the one million displayed above was also a glimpse. What happened?

Shen Zimo suddenly said: "The ball used for testing must have failed, so the display has also failed. This score cannot be counted! Everyone has seen that your highest attack value is only eight hundred. You Was eliminated, the first place is our gold group!"

The three people of Ning Xiner also echoed loudly: "Yes! You are too shameless! The display is obviously a malfunction, it is not your achievement."

"Three rookies and a fool who just learned the power of the Nether want to surpass us? It's a delusion!"

"Hurry up, don't be a shame there, you are eliminated!"

The three people looked at each other late in the evening, they had self-knowledge, knowing that this was definitely a problem with the display, so they were ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yunchu sneered a sneer: "There is no mention in the rules. If there is a problem with the display, it will not count. If it is our turn to test, this display will have a problem, indicating that our luck is good. Luck is also a kind of strength? You are not convinced, you also let the display problems? Zhao Wei, you are the most fair, you say, are we the first?"

Zhao Wei apparently did not expect such a thing to happen. She was silent for a moment: "You will go back to the dormitory to wait for the notice. Later I will inform you of the results, such as Frost and Ruyi, take them back to the dormitory."

Zhao Wei said that he turned and left the yard. Yunchu and others had to follow the frost and wish to return to the dormitory.

As Frost and Ruyi left, Shen Zimo sneered and said to Yunchu: "In the early days of Lin, it was a problem with the display screen. You are going to be wrong when you are dead, and the skin is really thick!"

(End of this chapter)

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