Chapter 1659 Reminder of Clouds

Although the glory is almost collapsed, but when he thinks that he has not completed the punishment of the task, he has to insist on his teeth. In the end, it is not a sword, but a slow motion playback.

Seki feels that time is too slow, and finally I heard that Mei said: "At noon, rest for an hour, continue to practice in the afternoon."

The singer squatted directly on the ground, and gasped with a big mouth. The cloud smiled and said: "Let's go, eat a little more at noon, and play me hundreds of times in the afternoon. I found you. The sword is really good!"

You only think that there is a bang in your head, God, what is he doing?

At the beginning of the cloud, he hooked his mouth and squatted, and took the lunch back to the dormitory. The ink came to the cloud at the end of the night: "In the beginning, did the guards offend you?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "No, I don't know him. How can he offend me?"

"Then why are you tossing him? I think he is tired and sitting on the ground!"

"I am learning swordsmanship. Don't worry, these guards are very good, not tired, and they will be alive and kicked after a while!" Yun said at the beginning.

"A study with one stroke and one stroke has an effect. Can you learn this way? If you are, no matter what you are, anyway, you have a sweet idea! At the beginning, you said, why do you want these one-on-one teachings? Law? Can you teach a guard? "Ink asked late in the evening."

The cloud is faintly said: "Nature is a matter of consideration. You three are good at learning the swordsmanship. Don't see the guardian-like people who are dog-like and move your girl's heart!"

Lu Qin’s face is red: “In the beginning, what did you say? We are learning the swordsmanship, and it’s not, it’s not about love, how can we move our minds?”

"That is, at the beginning, the old lady cares about how to learn Huangquan swordsmanship. Although the guards are good, but who knows what is the idea, the old lady can be no interest!" Zhou Yinghan said with a grin.

"I just said that! Since you have a few in your heart, that would be great! In short, you should learn the swordsmanship well, don't think it's messy!" The beginning of the cloud, the heart of the abdomen, Liu deputy, the old king, not Will it be the metamorphosis that was stimulated by my foster mother? Arranging these guards one-on-one to teach these girls is obviously not well-intentioned.

Those guards are all good, and they are also very handsome, and when they upload the intimate contact with the sword, maybe some girls will be tempted, and it is estimated that the girls who are moving will be eliminated in all likelihood. .

An hour soon passed, and everyone came to the yard again.

The other guards are very happy to practice the swordsmanship with the girls, but they only look like a strong smile: "Missing young lady, should we learn about the moves?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn't talk. I just took out a chair and sat down, then I looked at the faint.

The sneak was looked at with some hair, and had to bite the back molar and said: "The subordinates understand, and the subordinates continue to show you the Huangquan sword."

It’s only a smile at the beginning of the cloud: “Get started! Keep it at a good level. It’s too slow to watch it!”

You can't kill the cloud at first, I am teaching you swordsmanship, and I am not a dancer! I dare not dare to speak, but I have to demonstrate Huang Quan swordsmanship over and over again.

In the evening, the glory was carried out of the yard...


(End of this chapter)

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