Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1674: I am a poison frog, I am proud.

Chapter 1674 I am a poison frog, I am proud

The Nether Marsh poison frog heard the cloud and said that it was quite smug. It also felt that today’s performance is very good. The three stinky crocodiles often come to chaos, and the number of them is so large that this frog has not been able to I have the upper hand, I didn’t expect to be killed today, it’s really fun!

The Nether Marsh poison frog has just swallowed two Netherland swamp crocodiles, so it is not in a hurry to eat the clouds and the glory. Moreover, it feels that the clouds are very interesting to talk at first, so they stare at the clouds in the mud.

"God and beast, I have heard people say before, there is a kind of beast called Jin Yu, the most auspicious, people who encounter Jin Yu will have good luck, I think you are Jin Hao! I must have saved a continent in my life. So I will see you, hey, I am so lucky!" Yun said in tears.

The fascinating face is stiff, the young lady is too capable to play at the beginning, I will be touched by the secluded swamp poison frog, which is too affectionate!

Seki can't help but think of the beginning of yesterday's cloud, the first lady will not be fooling me yesterday. No, she swears, if she is not good for us to be thundered, it must be that I think more, I am really damn, the early lady is a kind and good girl, will not fool us!

The Nether Marsh poison frog listened to the words of the beginning of the cloud, and it was a bit dull, Jin Hao? Auspicious? good luck? Can these words be associated with me?

The Nether Marsh poison frog has a sense of pride in reborn, I am poisonous frog, I am proud, I am Jin Hao, hey, I am Jin Hao...

You are looking at the Nether Marsh poison frog with a big mouth and a strange silly music. The heart said that this poison frog was really fooled by the young lady, but can it help us kill the monster? Is this impossible at all?

When I was thinking about it, I heard the long sigh of the cloud.

The Nether Marsh poison frog also slowed down, and the unpleasant screaming a few times, apparently interrupted the beautiful 憧憬 is very unhappy.

"Hey! Jin Hao adults, I am really sorry! Just now, I have not appreciated enough of your heroic posture, the three slags are dead, it is a pity! I can not see more The time you kill the monster, I am simply not dead!" The cloud sighed and sighed again and again, a very pitiful appearance.

The Nether Marsh poisonous frog has huge eyes and reveals a self-satisfied expression. This little human skull seems to really admire me. I can’t see enough of my heroic performance, and I’m not dead, Oh!

"Golden Master, I have a ruthless request, although I know that this request may be a bit too much, but I am a dead person, I will bravely say, can you let me admire you a few times? The heroic performance of other monsters? If you promise me, I will really die without regrets!

You can rest assured that although I have used some firewood, I am also useful. I can tell you about interesting things outside, especially about the legend of Kim Min Jong. Can you promise me this humble request? ”

The Nether Marsh poison frog thought for a while, anyway, these two humans could not run, and I was not hungry. They lived for a day or two and there was nothing. Moreover, I also wanted to hear the story of Jin Yu. After all, I might be Jin Hao. Descendants.

Thus, the Nether Marsh poison frog screamed a few times, indicating that it agreed to the request of the cloud.

"God, Jin Hao adults! You are too big, it is a beast, then let's go, I can't wait to see you show your talents!" Yunchu said with a slap in the face of excitement.

Sixth more. The remaining two chapters are still in the code, and the code is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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