Chapter 1693 is no longer hidden

"In the early days of Lin, don't think that you helped me, I will let you in the trial, let's take care of each other!" After Jin Jin finished speaking, he turned and left.

The beginning of the cloud is awesome!

by! What are you doing? Is this golden branch sick? !

There is a hint of coldness in the eyes of the green eyes. This is a brainless, this is a disguised one. Is it necessary to reconcile with the early days of Lin? Hey, let's walk!

The three men were all thinking, and the room was very quiet, until the paintings were said outside: "Three ladies, dinner was delivered."

At the beginning of the cloud, he suddenly jumped out of bed and rushed out.

The golden branches and the green eyes were stiff, but I remembered the previous experience, I was afraid that dinner was still limited, and I hurried out of the house.

When the two went out, Yunchu was chatting with the maid who sent the meal: "This meal is full of flavors and flavors, but this is really too little! I have always used pots for cooking, you have this thing. Not enough for me to eat alone."

The maid looked at the big pot in the hands of Yunchu, and the bowl in her hand was bigger than the pot in the women's dish.

The maid said that he was saying: "In the beginning, the slave will send more meals next time."

Jin Zhi wanted to ridicule the first few words of the cloud, thought about it and swallowed back, and the three returned to the dormitory after dinner.

After dinner, I was still busy, and no one spoke.

The next morning, the three had eaten breakfast and came to the yard to wait for Yi.

After Yi Yi came, he began to teach some etiquettes of the three saints. In addition to the daily etiquette they have learned, there are also complicated etiquettes for meeting subordinates, meeting guests, and so on.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid that I would be eliminated by the saints, so I would no longer hide and learn fast and good. In contrast, Jinzhi and Qinglan are a little less charm.

Yi Yi let them leave the yard after practicing and went directly to the saint.

"How are they practicing three? Didn't the early school learn poorly?" asked the sacred girl.

Yi Yi hesitated a bit, then said: "The saint, that Lin was not only poor at the beginning of the school, but also faster than the other two, even better, I can not even pick her fault."

A look at the saint: "It seems that I am a little girl! It is also, this is what Liu Huanhua is trying to find, how can it be very bad?!"

"The Virgin, Liu Vice-President seems to be ready to work with you and the son. You have to plan as early as possible. As for the beginning of the forest, whether she or two other people who become holy women, it does not matter, or first It’s important to think of ways to keep you and your son."

The saint said with a wry smile: "What can I think? A few days ago, I refused to go to summon the Temple of the Nether, and he used the antidote of Changqing to marry me. If it wasn't for me, I still have some secrets that the saint knows. He I have already started!

Now it seems that he can't wait, even intend to give up those secrets, I have no need to marry him, how can he fight him?

The golden branch and the green scorpion are the prostitutes of the big family. If they are a saint, they can fight with Liu Huanhua. Even if I die, I can't cheap him, so I have to eliminate the forest at the beginning. ”

"The saint, the son has always been resourceful, it is better for you to discuss with him, maybe there will be any way to say it, let me say, I don’t think it’s too good to deal with the early stage of Lin’s early life. Trying to save her life." Yi sighed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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