Chapter 174 Ways of Clouds

The first explanation of the cloud, such as the explanation, everyone nodded, it is no wonder that the head will reward the small nine, Xiao Jiu did make a great contribution.

From the beginning of the cloud, I took out the dinner for the beginning of the cloud, and the cloud smiled and picked it up.

The people chatted for a while, and they left for the first time.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the rolling sticks rushing to the stone table and quickly took the food into the storage ring.

The rolling pin 调 turned the direction and played with the little black bird.

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart is awkward. I don’t know how to do this, but it’s a full-fledged food.

On the second day, the things that won the rewards of Yunchu were spread throughout the Linghuazong. Everyone thought that this cloud was really a dog, a donkey, and a transport!

To know that the authority of the library is limited according to the identity, the comrades can only borrow the first layer of books, this cloud has the same authority as the elders at first glance, it is enviable. Hate!

People who come to the big dining hall to eat can't help but say a few words. Fortunately, the beginning of the cloud is a big heart. If you are willing to say anything, I will not care about you.

Everyone saw that the dead pigs at the beginning of the cloud were not afraid of boiling water. They said that they were not motivated. After a few days, no one would mention this matter again.

At the beginning of the cloud, there are some troubles. Although there is permission to enter and exit the library, there is no time! Three meals a day, sometimes a nightingale, how can I let her go to the book? !

As a result, the goods began to move their brains.

On this day, when everyone was having lunch, Yunchu went to Huang Lao’s face and said in a serious way: “Huang Lao, I have a suggestion. I don’t know if I’m not talking about it?”

Huang Lao smiled: "What advice, you said it is."

"Huang Lao, why are we not waiting to see the big kitchen?" Yun Yun asked with a curious look.

Huang’s old face was very embarrassing. The first dance of the cloud quickly smashed the sleeves of Xiaoyun’s first scorpion, and Yun’s eyes blinked at her.

"Oh, this, in the end, our spiritual power is too low, so it will be like this!" Huang Lao sighed.

"Then why are we too spiritual?" Yunqiu asked again.

This time, without waiting for Huang Lao to speak, Hou Tian said: "There is no other person in our qualifications. Second, we are busy all day, how can we cultivate time?"

The first thing in the cloud is: "The right thing! The key to the problem is here! There may be some subtle differences in qualifications, but the most important thing is that we don't have time to cultivate! If you have time, plus the correct cultivation method, I believe Our Zhongfeng kitchen is no worse than anyone in any department!"

Mei Li snorted and said: "Little girl, is this still used by you? The main thing is that we really don't have time to cultivate! If the meal is late, the grandchildren will not do it."

At the beginning of the cloud, a small white tooth: "Huang Lao, the public, I have a good way, can not delay the work and give us time to cultivate."

"What is the way?" The eyes of everyone are bright, and they all look forward to the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was quite a small body, carrying a small hand and said: "Some words are not good to listen to on the bright side, but I have to say it today. Although everyone is working, it is inevitable that sometimes they will be sneaky. Why is that?"

At the beginning of the cloud, some people will inevitably have such a loss of guilty conscience. Whenever there is a lazy time, sometimes it is inevitable to steal some laziness.

"This is because of the big pot of rice! To put it bluntly, it is just a matter of doing things, doing more and doing the same! My method is to divide these people into three groups and take turns to work."

Beiyuan first responded: "Xiaojiu, what do you mean, one group can work, and the other two groups can cultivate?"

"Yes! That's what it means! So everyone can take a day off after two days of work! Of course, if everyone's enthusiasm is mobilized, they can be divided into four groups and five groups. Then everyone will have more time to rest! You guys! What do you think of my approach?"

The third is more.

(End of this chapter)

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