Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1807: I am going to collect artifacts.

Chapter 1807, I am going to collect artifacts.

Fengming three people followed the cloud for a long time, and suddenly understood the intention of Yunchu, knowing that she was delaying the time, Fengming immediately cooperated with the martyrdom: "There is a lot of money! You are really ruthless! I am not Is it that you are rejected? A woman who is so sultry like you is not someone who likes you!"

"You are stinky! I see you are your blessing! If you don't look at your long, tender skin, I have already smashed you! Hey!" The cloud was almost laughing, birds Calling the brothers even know that using a pseudonym is really clever!

"You! You are a watery Yanghua swearing man! A little better man in the college has been ruined by you! I will not give up even if I die!" Feng Ming grieves.

On the other side, Shi Xuan also took the heart to the heart, and screamed at the beginning of the cloud: "Not bad! The husband can kill you! You can only get our soul if you get our flesh!"

The old Drama Huangfu Dean also began to add drama: "Hey! A lot of money, a lot of money! Originally, I was still young, although there is a cold weather, but there is still room for saving. I didn’t expect your heart to be so vicious. Now I still have to The joint outsider killed us! It is the scum of our Tianyuan College!"

The students of Tianyuan College have also begun to put on their acting skills in order to survive:

"A lot of money! You, you already have me, why are you not satisfied? One night couples, you are so poisonous!"

"There is a lot of money! Did you forget the sweet words that you and I have vowed to say? I am a ghost and will not let you go!"

"There is a lot of money. You obviously said that although I am your thirty-sixth man, I will be your last man. You have been lying to me, you are a woman who is worried!"


Van Gogh and the black people apparently never encountered such a thing. For a moment, they were puzzled, and they couldn’t help but start association.

This money seems to be a female flower thief, usually smothered, although many people have been from her, but some people would rather die, and then she was shut down by the dean?

It’s hard to hold back the smile at the beginning of the cloud. The heart says that life is like a play, it’s all about acting!

At the beginning of the cloud, I estimate the time, and the dark winds should be coming soon.

However, there are still fifteen black people. Even if they are still in the dark, they still can't beat them. Moreover, they still have hostages. What should I do?

At the beginning of the cloud, I stood around on the cutting board and saw the trial tower. I had an idea in my heart.

"Oh, I think of a big event! Let's talk about this sale later, I have to go to the artifact first!" After the cloud was finished, the wind and fire sat on the cutting board and flew away.

When Van Gogh heard the artifact, he suddenly showed a greedy look. Although he felt a little embarrassed, he still had the upper hand: "Leave seven people to guard these people, and the rest will come with me!"

After the Fan Zhen finished, he took the seven swords and chased the clouds.

Looking back at the beginning of the cloud, I sneered in my heart, it is really greedy! I actually brought half of them over!

The beginning of the cloud quickly landed in front of the trial tower. She put the identity jade card in the groove of the trial tower, and did not rush into it. She deliberately waited until Van Gogh and others landed quickly.

When Van Gogh waved his hand, the seven people quickly followed the beginning of the cloud, and Van Gogh was guarding outside. He felt that this would be foolproof.

(End of this chapter)

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