Chapter 1812, three small to help

Although the blood is infinite, although the second, but the fine, immediately understand the meaning of the beginning of the cloud, after a trick to get rid of their opponents, and the Emperor Beibei jointly deal with the same black man.

The black man was about to step forward and the cloud stopped him.

"Slag, let's go through a few tricks!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

The black man snorted: "There is a crowd of people here. You can't use the **** at all. Your defensive spirits are also running out. What killer do you have? You are looking for death!"

"Whoever wants to die is not necessarily, tremble, slag!" The first person in front of the cloud is a few purple pins.

After the black man easily flashed, it was a palm to the beginning of the cloud, and the two struggled together.

The beginning of the cloud is not an opponent of the black man, but this product has a helping hand!

The three small ones who haven’t shown their talents for a long time have been released, especially the little black birds. This goods have long been waiting for a chance to prove themselves!

What's special, it doesn't seem to help the master except the curse. It's because the place where the black heart owner goes is often forbidden to fly. This time it is finally time for it to show its talents! Let its fans and sisters see, Xiaoye has two brushes!

The little black bird flies into the air, and the black man is a big fireball!

The black man quickly evaded sideways, and the fireball of the four-tailed red fox arrived again! When the black man was trying to dodge, there was a hole in his foot and a foot stuck in it.

The black man just pulled out his foot, and the purple needle and the spiritual piglet at the beginning of the cloud arrived again!

Although the three stupid and the first-time spirits are not high, they can't stand the air, the ground, and the underground triple blow! The black man was so confused and upset.

The purpose of this cargo in the beginning of the cloud is to drag the black man. As long as the emperor and the blood are solved, one will come and help, so the goods are very bottomed.

Sure enough, the power of the combination of Emperor Beibei and Blood Promise was quite large, and soon a black man was killed. He immediately came to help Yun Yun to deal with this black man.

The black man who dealt with Yunchu and the three stupid Mengs was not easy. The emperor and the bloodless one joined, and suddenly fell into the wind.

Soon, this black man was also killed by the cloud, and the situation was completely reversed. Tianyuan College occupied an absolute advantage.

After one hour, there were only two black men left, and the other five black men were all killed.

The two black people knew that the general trend had gone, and they wanted to escape. Yunchu knew that they had to squander the roots. Once they escaped, they might bring more disaster to Tianyuan College.

As a result, the beginning of the cloud gave a look to Emperor Beibei and others. The crowd surrounded the two and did not give them a chance to escape.

It was another killing, and the remaining two black men were finally killed by everyone.

The people were relieved at this moment, but when they saw the wounded everywhere, everyone’s hearts were extremely heavy. They all knew that it was going to change!

The spiritual power of the black people who came here this time is almost the peak of the nine layers of the spirit. Only twenty-one people almost destroyed the Tianyuan College.

If there are more people coming in the future, let alone Tianyuan College, even Tianyuan is difficult to protect.

However, now is not the time to consider these, it is important to treat the wounded and deal with the aftermath.

The wounded person with skin trauma is easy to handle, but those students who have been smashed in Dantian are very difficult to do. If Dantian is destroyed, it cannot be cultivated. This is a waste of life.

The old man of the dry bar had been seriously injured, and with the guilt, he squirted a blood directly and fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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