Chapter 1835 is simply an anecdote in the world.

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "Summer management, this bombing has used me a few characters, but since it is for us to do things, use it, I will not find money!" ”

Xia Guanwu thinks that she may not survive today, the door of a family has been blown up, and it is easy to laugh out loud!

The most important thing is that it is still being blown up by your own daughter. This is simply an anecdote!

"You, why do you want to blow up the door? The housekeeper and the wife can't spare you!" Xia Guanzhen now does not care what is respected and disrespectful, and asks directly about the anger.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the confused expression: "Hey, summer, you will have no friends when you do this! Isn’t you saying that this door is completely broken? Since it is completely broken, don’t you change it and still have New Year? I am People are warm-hearted, so they will blow up the door for you. If you don’t appreciate it, ask me? How thick is your skin?!"

Yunchu said that here, I went back and asked those who were eating melons: "People, you give the evaluation, is she saying that the door is broken? I also asked her twice twice!"

Those who eat melons are slowing down, and the eyes are shining with the strong light of the gossip. This Miss Ms. Miss does not know that it is not a good brain to make it a bit embarrassing, or it is daring to dare to blow up the government gate without a word. It is really exciting! It is really exciting!

"Yes! Miss Murray said yes, it was the summer management that said the door was completely broken!"

"I can also prove that it is what she said!"

"Miss Murray is beautiful! Anyway, this door is broken. If it is blown up, it will save you more trouble."


Xia Guanzheng understands why the cloud has repeatedly asked her whether the door is broken. It turned out to be premeditated. Is this earthen bun actually so deep?

Xia Guan Shi shook his head again, no, how could a small **** in a lower continent have such a thoughtful mind? She is just a scorpion who doesn't know the heights of the sky!

"Summer management, you are not saying that you are waiting for me, and you are still waiting for me? Let's go in, let's go in, hey, ask me, this door should have been blown up, you see this vision. How wide is it, it’s really refreshing!”

I am a happy man!

I have to vomit blood in summer affairs. Originally, she still wanted to say that she didn’t call Mrs. Luo’s “two niece”. Now she feels that she is directly irritating her wife, just to pick her up. This dumpling is too arrogant.

Xia Guanzhen thought of this, coldly said: "Well, Missy please come with me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the masses of the peasants waved their hands: "The crowd, I am going in! In case I really want to ask about the door, you have to testify for me!"

"Miss Murray, rest assured, we must tell the truth!"

"Yes, Miss Ms., this is really not a fake. It’s really impossible. The summer affairs are red and white, and the door is broken. We all heard it!"

"Miss Mad, you can rest assured! We are idle and idle, we are waiting at this door! We need to give evidence to know!"


These people who eat melons can't follow the beginning of the cloud to see the excitement. This Miss Mouth is so fierce, the back must be more exciting, but unfortunately there is no way to go in, but fortunately the door is not blown up, there is a sound that can still be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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