Chapter 184 Painting

"You just have to sit down, I will help you draw a picture and keep you like." Yun said with a smile.

"Drawing picture? Just climb your dog, do you still paint?" Emperor Beibei picked up his eyebrows and apparently had no confidence in the beginning of the cloud.

"Cut! That's because the brush is soft, I don't use it, you can do it!" Yun Yunyi couldn't help but say that he started busy.

At the beginning of the cloud, the dark wind helped burn a few charcoal strips, and then Dangdang made a simple easel and began to draw like a decent picture.

Emperor Beibei did not report any hope at all. He took out a wicker chair from the storage ring and sat on it. Later, he was impatient. He simply took out a book and looked at it.

At the beginning of the cloud, while painting, swallowing water, hey, usually do not look carefully, so a closer look, really beautiful!

After an hour, Yun said with pride: "You're done! Male god, look, how about my painting?"

Emperor Beibei felt that it was difficult to see the paintings at the beginning of the cloud, and casually took over the paintings handed over by Yunchu, and then stunned.

The dark wind and the darkness also curiously came together, and I was shocked after reading it!

"God! This is too much like it? Except for the lack of color, it is almost the same as the recording of the shadow stone!" said the dark wind.

"Yes, especially the temperament of the statue! Miss Nine, really amazing!" The secret is also rare to talk about the word of beauty.

The beginning of the cloud is very proud: "Men, how? I didn't lie to you? This gift is not bad?"

Emperor Beibei put the painting into the storage ring and tilted his mouth. "Do it, make it stronger than yours."

At the beginning of the cloud, I bite my teeth, this arrogant goods! Wouldn't you say something nice to praise me? ! At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the appearance of the sin of the emperor, and smirked and said: "Men, in fact, what I am best at is not this kind of painting."

"Oh? What painting?" asked Dibei, curiously.

"Hey, I am good at pots, bodies, paintings! If you take off, I will help you paint!" Yun said with a smile.

The dark wind and the dark concealed suddenly hid in the corner.

Oh, my god!

Miss Nine is too bold! Actually, we are respected in front of our face!

Emperor Bei stunned, and then gnashed his teeth and asked: "Black things! What are you talking about?! What are you good at shit... Painting? Who did you learn? Who have you painted?"

When Emperor Beibei thought that black things had actually seen other men, he would have to blow up!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that I was mad at the head of the emperor, and my heart was so refreshing! He smiled: "I just didn't paint it, so I just wanted to try it! Male god, your body is so hot, let me paint! Anyway, let me see, there will be no less meat."

"Hey! You haven't seen it yet, how do you know that the deity is good?" The emperor was stunned by the beginning of the cloud, and he replied with a sigh.

"Of course I know! I didn't think I saw it at the beginning? I have touched it a few times!" said the cloud at first, sly, sly, and sly.

"You! You! I don't know shame!" The sleeves of the emperor's suffocating back to the house! But how do you see how it feels like some fleeing.

The dark wind erected a vertical thumb at the beginning of the cloud, and the heart said that Miss Nine is too embarrassed!

At the beginning of the cloud, I whistled and whistled. Oh, I’m good at dealing with this kind of arrogant goods. There is only one secret, that is shameless!

The third is more.

(End of this chapter)

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