The 1840th banquet is here.

Mrs. Luo felt that although the earthen buns had blown up the gates, they were under their own eyes, and naturally there was no possibility of getting into trouble.

So, Mrs. Luo said with a loving expression: "You, this child, no matter what you do, I and you will not blame you naturally."

Xia Guanzhen’s heart stunned at once, and she hadn’t had time to report the more than 20 million Shangpin Lingshi’s plagues to Mrs. Luo. If the lady knew it later, I’m afraid I might have to blow up.

Xia Guanzhen thought of this, and screamed to Mrs. Luo and said: "Mrs., slaves have something to report to you."

"Go back to the government and say, didn't you see me busy?!" Mrs. Luo frowned. This summer affairs is very proper, how can I do the wrong things today? Is there anything more important than urging this earthen buns to go back to the house?

Xia Guan did not dare to say more, the sweat on his forehead came out, and his heart was full of suffering.

In her heart, she was filled with flowers, but she was happy with the flowers. On the face, she was a sly expression: "Two sisters, what are you talking about? No matter what happens, you and you will not be angry?" Will not punish me?"

Although Mrs. Luo is impatient, she still has a loving expression on her face: "Nature is true. We will not scold you for anything happening. Come back with me."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard Mrs. Luo say this. Ma Li took the rope from the branch and took it into the storage ring. She reached the front of Mrs. Luo: "Two sisters, I am relieved to have this sentence!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said to the people who were eating melons: "You are all heard by the two mothers. If you can’t see me out these days, it’s estimated that you are not under house arrest or you are killed. You can I want to do justice for me!"

The people who eat melons screamed: "Miss Mad, you can rest assured! We all listen! Mrs. Luo promises not to punish you. If she does not count, we will make things public."

"That is, the tiger poison is still not eating. If the Mohist really kills Miss You, we must let him be condemned by public opinion."

"Miss Murray, you are really killed and we will come to worship you spontaneously."


It’s hard for Mrs. Luo to press the anger in the center. Is this gang full of food? ! Also, it is strange that this earthen buns are only in Jinchuan City. Why do these people seem to be familiar with her?

When Mrs. Luo was puzzled, she saw the shopkeeper of Jiqinglou rushing over with breathlessness: "Miss Mad, Miss Ms., I will send you the banquet for you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao nodded. "You are coming too soon, it is time to have dinner."

Mrs. Luo’s foggy water, the banquet of the earthen bun? Which banquet does she decide? However, Mrs. Luo’s self-confidence will naturally not ask.

The shopkeeper of Jiqinglou handed a storage ring to Yunchu, and said, "Miss Mad, there is a good banquet on the ten table. This storage ring and the food box inside will be given to you."

A good banquet on the table?

Mrs. Luo’s heart is even more puzzled. What does this earthen bun set up for so many tables? Besides, a good banquet on the Jiqing floor will have tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones. These ten tables are hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones. Is this soil buns so rich?

(End of this chapter)

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