Chapter 1846, Ghosts

At the beginning of the cloud, the voice was lowered, and mysteriously said: "I didn't tell you? The woman standing in the corner stood exactly the same as me, she told me!"

I am convinced that it is not credible. I have not used this bucket of water to bathe. I use the water bath in my own storage ring, so of course I am fine! ”

Holly and Xia Ye see the beginning of the cloud, there is a nose and eyes, and another Lenovo Yun Yun said that she is exactly the same as her long, God, will not be the first lady? It is said that this soil buns are very similar to her mother.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and it happened that a gust of wind blew, the door was blown open, and two people couldn’t help but scream, couldn’t it be true that it was the ghost of the first lady?

Although the two are cultivators, they still have some doubts about the ghosts, but even so, they will not admit it, otherwise it will be a sin of murdering the master, and it may not be possible to keep them.

"Missy, the ghost is purely nonsense! Forget it, who makes you the master, let's rest, let's clean up." Xia Ye is more flexible than Dong Qing's mind, ruin the evidence first. It’s important, although the tub is down, there are some bath water inside.

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth and said: "Then you should pack it up, yes, I have to remind you, although I have not used this bath water, but this bath water is not wasted, but you are soaked! ”

Holly and Xia Ye just took care of the cloud and smashed it. I didn’t even think about it. Now, when I heard the beginning of the cloud, the faces of the two people suddenly became pale!


This hook vine powder is very effective, as long as it gets into the skin, it will take effect. The two also refused to show the filling and did not reveal the stuffing. They rushed out.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth. Is this IQ still fighting her? It’s not a sense of accomplishment to abuse them, but it’s more interesting to fight with that old white lotus.

Although this product does not know anything about hook-and-vine powder, this product has strange grass! The weird grass knows that the cloud hates it at the beginning, so it is necessary to brush the sensitivity from time to time, so it will take the initiative to alert the cloud.

Although the weird grass can't talk, but the cloud and the goods have been together for so long, basically can guess what it means, so it will make such a trouble.

Holly and Xia Ye rushed to their house, and they couldn't care about cold water or hot water. They used the water in the storage ring for a shower, for fear of the residue of the hook.

Xia Ye could not help but blame: "It depends on you! This is good, stealing chickens is not an anti-corrosion to the rice, this hook-and-vine is very strong, so we are so fluted and sin! And it also provides evidence that the soil bun must be Looking for a lady to complain, we are inevitably blamed."

Holly didn't have any good looks: "Did you agree with it later? Now I blame me! Even if she really sue, we will not accept the bill, can the lady still face her? You said, it is the ghost of the first lady to remind the Earth bun?"

Xia Ye heard that holly said so, the back is a bit cool: "Don't talk nonsense! It is estimated that the dumplings see what is flawed! Ink has not heard of haunted for so many years, how come so smart today is a female ghost!"

"Maybe because the earthen buns came back, the lady first thought of her heart, so she reminded her! Or else, how can she find a low-lying continent's soil buns to find the hook-and-vine?" Holly said with some uncertainty.

The more they said, the more they felt scared. At this moment, they saw a figure of a cloak on the window sill. The two men immediately screamed: "Ah! Ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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