Chapter 1851

At this point, the ink in the main courtyard must be blown up!

"Qiao Yun, haven't you always told me about this summer affairs? How can you do this two pieces? Do you want to find the counter-girl, this is good, she has no shadow!"

Mrs. Luo quickly described: "Master, it is estimated that there is a difference! Qiulan, you go to see what is going on?"

When the waitress Qiulan was about to go out, she saw the holly and the summer leaves carrying the clouds and smashed into the yard, and the summer management on the side looked stiff.

Since the door is open, both Mr. Mo Cheng and Mrs. Luo have seen it naturally. The two are also a stunned look. What is going on?

Yunchu leaped from the soft couch and smiled into the room: "I am early, the second wife is early, the two sisters are early!"

Mo Cheng snorted: "You are really a big shelf! Even people are invited to come over, do not know the rules of the morning?"

"Hey, I have no parents since I was a child. It’s natural that no one teaches the rules of the morning. Besides, isn’t that my mother has been dead for many years? You are busy, I will give you a morning sigh. "The cloud has spread the hand and said helplessly."

Ink eyes blinked and said coldly: "You are resentful. I didn't get you back in time? You don't ask me for peace, don't you have your mother? Fanghua and Fangqin are coming to please, how are you? exception?"

"I don't dare to resent my father. I don't want to talk to my father. You just don't dare to say that you are a jerk! As for the two nieces, it is just a slave. How can I give her a peace?" Passing out will make people laugh, we have no rules in the ink house!" Yunxiao stunned his face, but when he said it was a poke of the heart, the knife saw blood.

Mrs. Luo’s face suddenly gloomy, and Mo Cheng is even more thundering: “Let’s go! You are a villain! Actually, it’s a swearing insult to the father and the master, it’s really disobedience! Come here! Give me this girl. Close to the 10,000 snakes!"

When I heard that Mo Cheng was going to shut the cloud into the 10,000 snakes, everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air. The 10,000 snakes were the place where the Mohist punish the lords. Although there are some exaggerations, there are at least a few hundred. Viper, this person will die if he goes in!

Although Mrs. Luo was relieved, but when she thought about that matter, she quickly persuaded: "Master, the child of the grass will not speak, you don't have to know her. I don't mind if I don't ask for it, as long as we are a family. More than anything."

Mo Chengzhen took a few shots: "Hey! Since your mother is pleading for you, I will spare you this time. If you commit another crime, you will not be able to spare you!"

In the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth and licked the animals. I am not a goblin, is it appropriate for me to squat? You are the old beast!

"That would thank you and your second wife!" After the goods were finished, they did not need to let them go directly to an empty chair.

The ink is mad, and Mrs. Luo hurriedly said: "Fangcao, it was too late yesterday, so I didn't give you a feast, but this ceremony is still to be given. This autumn jade bracelet is a top-grade defense. Give it to you,"

Mrs. Luo’s words have not been finished yet, and Yun’s first squatting down from the chair, the smile is called a spring bright: “Thank you for the second wife! I don’t know what the father’s adult is going to send me to meet.” There are also two sisters. Should you express that? Right, I heard that I still have a baby brother, others?"

The ninth. Continue to update in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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