Chapter 1856, Xian Yuan Hao Yan Niang

Mo Fangqin flashed in the blink of an eye. Was this earthen buns deliberately saying this or just coincidence? Is her mind more careful than Mrs. Luo?

Mofangqin shook his head again. Impossible. How could a soil bun from a lower continent be deeper than the city of Loh?

It must be that this stupid man has a stupid blessing. These people are all idle and willing to watch the fun, so they will say so.

At the beginning of the cloud, I bowed to the crowd: "I have received the hearts of the people, but you don't have to go to the jungle for my sake. I believe that Xia Guan is not a person who has a private feud, she will not set anything for me. It’s a difficult task, and it won’t deliberately cause me to be seriously injured. So, you don’t have to go, really, don’t bother!”

Some people still hesitated to go to the jungle. When they heard the beginning of the cloud, they said that they were determined to go: "Miss Mad, you are too polite! I originally wanted to hunt a few monsters to beat the teeth and go together. Let's go!"

"That is, this person is separated from the belly, nothing is absolute, Miss Ms., you have to be careful!"

"That is, the heart of the victim can not be, the heart of the defense is indispensable, Miss Ms., you are too kind!"


Xia Guanshi is in the heart of the dog, good? Are you sure you are talking about this dumpling? Is she kind? If she is kind, she will not hang up the 20 million top grade stones in Mofu! If she is kind, she will not pretend to be a scary maid! If she is kind, she won't take a bunch of rotten cabbage to make a meeting!

Although Xia Guanshi can't take these people away, but seeing a few of them talking about other forces, they have to cold face and urge the cloud to go faster.

At the beginning of the cloud, the purpose was reached, so there was no delay. I walked around the city while chatting with the enthusiastic people who were eating melons.

At the beginning, Mo Fangqin also listened carefully to the early days of Yun’s chat, but when they heard what they were talking about, which restaurant was delicious, who made a windfall, and even a little wife who stole someone’s boring gossip She really can't listen, just walked to the front, and didn't listen to the ears.

Those who eat melons and the masses are more contrasting. They think that Ms. Moh is very approachable and has no shelf. It is really a good girl.

The first thing in the cloud was to talk to the people who were eating melons. Of course, it wasn’t Hu Wei. This article got a lot of useful information from these conversations, and I was very satisfied.

Hey, this old white lotus is really a good god!

This out of the trial is really more than one arrow! First, you can learn more about the things of the Xianyuan continent and the Mohist family. Secondly, you can brush your feelings in front of these people who eat melons. Sometimes public opinion is still very useful.

Thirdly, just to increase the actual combat experience, there may be opportunities for breakthroughs, and there are so many people to protect, it will not be dangerous, this is a good opportunity to find lanterns!

The beginning of the cloud is happy, but the inner heart of Xia Guanshi is rejected, because there should be only twenty people of the Mohist family to follow, now it is good, followed by a group of people! ! !

Where is this to try, this is simply going to the group! It is impossible to achieve the purpose of the lessons of the buns. If the task is too difficult, those who watch the fun will definitely rise!

Not to mention that this soil buns have been seriously injured, do not use the soil buns to talk, those who watch the fun will drown her with the spit!

(End of this chapter)

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