Chapter 1861 she is an iron cock

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "Summer management, eating is not anxious, I am going to pick a few nice clothes for my three sisters, and then send her some beautiful jewelry, let's stroll and go back!"

Xia Guan’s head is like a rattle, and he can’t immediately put the ruined thing back: “Missy, the lady just gave Miss San a lot of new clothes and new jewelry, and Miss San didn’t need to add any more. Is it, Miss San?"

Mo Fangqin nodded stiffly, but his heart was very unhappy. This summer affairs was really abhorrent. The earthen buns were so easy to be generous, and they were all stirred up by her.

Yunchu sighed: "Well, if that's the case, forget it. Three sisters, this is not my sister, I am stingy, I am not allowed to buy it in summer. Hey, this spirit is given to you, just as a sister. Some heart."

Mo Fangqin had no idea, and was afraid that those who were eating melons said that she was not sensible, and had to take the Lingguo into the storage ring.

"Hey, this Miss Ms. is really kind, and her situation is so miserable, she still wants to give Miss Ms. Three gifts!"

"That is, Ms. Mosan does not know how to say thank you. It is really disrespectful to the long sister."

"That day, the management is even more excessive. Do you not buy some snacks? The nose is not the nose and the face is not the face. If the young lady is not finished, she will not give it to other masters of the ink house, and she will not keep it."


Xia Guanshi hate can't yell at these people and send you a big ghost!

She only sent rotten cabbage!

Also, each person only sent one! Simply iron **** than iron cock!

This is not counting, she also took a few pieces to meet!

However, the ugliness of the family can not be promoted, but she is naturally afraid to say that one of the next people has to urge the cloud to hurry back to the ink house.

Xia Guanzhen now has a heart to die, not only failed to complete the task of Mrs. Luo, but now owes 50,000 Shangpin Lingshi, how can this be explained to the lady? !

After the first enthusiasm of the cloud and those who ate the melons, they broke into the ink house.

When Mr. Mo Cheng, Mrs. Luo and Mo Fanghua are about to have dinner, they will hear someone say: “Father, I am back!”

Mr. Mo Cheng and Mrs. Luo saw the beginning of the cloud and walked in, and could not help but feel a little sorrowful. Madame Luo went to the summer management. This waste, hasn’t it been said that this bite is suffering? How do you look at this dumpling more lively than yesterday?

Besides, isn’t it good to let her sleep in the jungle? How come back?

Ink and face sink like water: "Summer management, how is the trial today? Is this counter-female not coming back to you without your words?"

Xia Guanzheng wants to fall into the cloud at first glance, but there are those who eat melons and have to say: "Homeowner, Miss Da today killed a twenty-seven-order monster, four-and-two-six-story monster, Basically completed the task."

Xia Guanbian said to give Mrs. Luo a look, Mrs. Luo knows that this is a hidden feeling, so she said in a round field: "Well, after all, the grass is only two layers of spirits, the first day to do this is not bad! Fangqin, you are tired of trying the day, go back and rest."

Mo Fangqin heard that Mrs. Luo said that she had to retire after a good deed. I didn’t expect Yun’s first stunned her. She smiled and said: “Three sisters, we are also hungry for a day, fathers and adults here. There are ready-made meals, let's eat and go back."

(End of this chapter)

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