Chapter 1863 idiot

Mofang Huateng suddenly stood up: "Buddle, who do you think you are? Prostitute? The waste of yours is the shame of the Mohist! You immediately apologize to me, or else I will kill you now!"

Mo Fangqin succumbed to the disaster, and the earthen buns kicked the iron plate. Mo Fanghua always said one thing, this time there was a good show.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t look at Mo Fanghua. Instead, I said to Madame Luo: "Two sisters, I am full, and I will go back with my third sister."

Mrs. Luo’s eyes flashed a few times: “Well, you’ve been tired for a day, go back and have a good rest. Fanghua, you stay, mother and you have something to say.”

Mo Fanghua saw that Rockwell said that he had to sneak up at the beginning of the cloud, and then he sat back on the seat.

After Yunchu and Mofangqin went out, Mrs. Luo sighed: "Fanghua, how can you be so unsettled? This kind of earthen bun is handed over to the mother to handle it. You just want to cultivate with peace of mind, you don't have to know these hooves. ”

"Mother, this earthen buns are really hateful. She came back for three days and they are smouldering in the ink. I want to say that you and you are too good. What kind of waste is this? Let her be born. It’s gone!” Mo Fanghua said disdainfully.

"You don't understand, this earthen buns are of great use. There is nothing wrong with you here. Go back and practice."

"Mother, what kind of use is the low power of the earthen bun? What are you going to do with her?" Mo Fanghua asked curiously.

"This matter is of great importance. You don't have to ask again. Go back and practice!" Mrs. Luo waved her hand and gestured to Mo Fanghua not to ask again.

When Mo Fanghua saw it, he had to leave his mouth.

"Say, what is going on?" Mrs. Luo saw that Mo Fanghua had gone far, and asked Xia Guan.

Xia Guanxuan said with a bitter face and fifty-one. "Mrs., those people who have eaten all of them support the soil bun, it is really abominable."

Mrs. Luo couldn’t help but frown when she heard the summer affairs. The people outside the Mofu Gate also helped the buns to talk. Today is the case again. Why is this?

The master and the servant negotiated to discuss, and finally felt that it must be that several other forces could not see the ink house, so they sent people to challenge.

They have no doubt that they are the ghosts of the beginning of the cloud, because in their view, although the cloud is not rogue, it is impossible to have such ability to provoke those people.

"Madam, if that is the case, will you go to the jungle to try it tomorrow?"

"Of course! I don't believe that those people can always protect the soil buns. They can stick to it for three days. When it is time, you can give the earthen buns a little color according to the original plan." Mrs. Luo sneered.

Xia Guan nodded and then bit his teeth and said: "Mrs, there is one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

"That, the earthen buns spent another 50,000 Shangpin Lingshi, and the slaves didn't have time to stop it. They had to put the identity jade card in the snack shop." Xia Guanxue said with a hard scalp that she now even has the coffin to go in. It is No money has been paid.

Mrs. Luo’s gas directly slaps a slap in the summer: “You waste! I can’t even see a waste! I will let you clean up her, you can pour it well, not only did not clean her up, but also let my wife get in. Five thousand Lingshi, you are an idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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